Europe so profligate for the norms of freedom they want to call by Democracy, does not have the reality of this word in the real reality of action in reality.
If it were Democracy and the freedom to restrict the right of movement to someone who is not so well-offed in the Union of this Europe, you are not human, but according to them you are a perfect creature.
Those who think they are the property owners of the continent of Europe and have decided Kierarg to be criminalized at the Council of Europe, such as Johannes Hann, and Federica Mogherini, people who are driven to hate, ballads in politics, animal race and categorical discrimination , especially these two who call themselves the EU Commissioner, are the motives of trying these people to help the small peoples and that they want those peoples to integrate into the European community.
Especially Johannes Hann, it has never been such a democrat as they want to say, but an Avtocrat and aristocratic Falcon, who in the Balkan states has found space to clear the dirty money of the European Oligarchs, as is the case with Macedonia, where he for the past 12 years was the ruling VMRO government led by dictator Nikola Gruevski, who made them an ineffective dictator for law and justice.
Not surprisingly, Gruevski gained citizenship in Hungary after Asylum, and now life and futures were provided because it helped these criminalized Oligarchs to control the country and the crime in Macedonia.
Even Federica Mogherini, a woman compromised in Italian politics, the granddaughter of a goddess of the Italian Mafia, who supposedly left a leftist and practiced street democracy, has thrown stones behind the order forces in demonstrations, which has nothing to do with reality , is a compromised person and says himself the EU Commissioner of the European Union, and on the other hand is a conservative and fascinated Fascist that his wife has.
This was seen with the threats that are being made to Kosovo in recent times by protecting Serbian political criminals in connection with customs duties.
Here is the demoncra of the European community which for some is the mother, and for some it is the stepmother.
For the integration of the Balkans as a whole, nor want to hear this story these European incarcerations, violations of international documents and conventions for the protection of human rights, criminals give asylum and citizenship, while those who really are politically persecuted, nor want to hear about them, although in international documents and conventions, they protect the rights of the insane, not the criminals who have been persecuted and are still doing.
The European Union member states and Sweden are silent on this issue, how the rights of asylum seekers from Macedonia are breaking, having all the information for those who have sought refuge in them, I mean the political shelter, and do not want to express what is happening in the European Community, solidarity in this case with the discrimination and the criminals being admitted in European countries such as the criminal Nikola Gruevski in Hungary, where apart from asylum, a short time was given and Hungarian citizenship, as well as assisted by the Hearer diplomatic representative to come out with Hungarian documents across the Balkans, they also provided the transport.
What is happening to Sweden, which was spilled by migrants from foreign continents, and where asylum was distributed to Nikola Gruevski in Hungary, the new Swedish government's dance would change the Asylum course there, or the Balkans part of Europe to wait in front of Europe's doors, and foreigners have more priority in this case ?!
It remains to be seen what the plan and the solutions will be for the new government in Stockholm about improving the image of Sweden before the eyes of the world.
Those who are undermined by Sweden's undemocratic migration policy must be improved and undermined by the decisions of the administration of the Migration Agency, which is totally corrupt, and if the new government in Stockholm does not change, Sweden loses primacy to being the most democratic state in the world.
Wrote: Fergim Demiri, a journalist.
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