Friday, March 31, 2017



Nga gazetari:  Fërgim Demiri

Toka, e cila me shekuj po përplaset me situata të vështira, duke mos gjetur modus, e as mjedis për zgjidhjen e paqës në përgjithsi, është guri pengues për të qen Evropa e lire dhe në paqë, paqë, që Evropa, moti e ëndërron për vete.
Ballkani, apo Ilirija siç njihet në thellësitë e historikut Evropjan, ka probleme me pabërsinë sistemore dhe shëndrrimit të një gjithësije, ku të gjith mundohen të mbisundojë mbi të tjerit, ka krijuar boshllëqe për një situatë tani më të papërmirsushme, duke e ushqyer krimin e organiyuar si bazë sunduse në at regjion.
Jo pse nuk ka fuqi progresive në Ballkan, por monstra e vënë që në kohrat e sundusve, sidomos ajo nga koha Osmane, kan ndikuar që të coptohen popullatat duke u quajtur si Kombe, që vet logjika flet se në një teritor aq të vogël, nuk mund të funksionojnë, 11 kombe dhe shtete të tyre.

 Ja pra këtu e gjen veten krimi i organizuar në ballkanin e zjarrtë, duke vënë në pah nacionalizmin dhe shovinizmin si reper për sundim mbi njerzit e hallit, që krimi i organiyuar të jet Zot mbi njerzit e hallit, dhe të mos munden të ngrejnë kokë nga kjo situatë.
Ata, (njerzit), mandej detyrohen të ikin botës, për të gjetur strehim dhe pak lumturi, nese mund të thuhet kështu dhe të quhet, sa për të thënë se kan gjetur liri të brishtë, dhe mandej që krimi dhe kriminelat si veprimtarët e sajë, të ken hapsir magjinante për të vepruar lirshëm.


Që të dali nga kjo baltë i gjith Ballkani, pa një luftë Ballkanike, apo globale, nuk do të pastrohet kurr kjo çështje. Këte e thonë dhe shum Analitik, si nga vendet e Ballkanit, ashtiu dhe nga SHBA dhe Evropa.
Kriminaliteti, aq thelle është sistemuar në at regjion, sa që nuk ka fuqi që nund ta shkatrroi, veç luftës. Prandaj, në at regjion ka grindje dhe situata paraluftarake, dhe konflikte verbale, që flasin për një konflikt të mundshëm gjithpërfshirës, i cili, do të zgjasi një kohë tepër të gjatë.
Me që veç ka filluar Lufta e Tretë Botërore sipas Analitikve, nuk do të jetë e çuditshme nëse kjo ndodh së shpejti në teritorin e gjith Ballkanit. Luftën do ta fillojnë forcat kriminale për ta mbrojtur kapitalin e tyre të vjedhur, dhe do përhapet në të gjitha poret e egzistimit në Ballkan, duke i përfshir edhe ata që nuk janë protagonista të krimit të organizuar.
Ballkanin, do ta përfshijë një flakë e padëshiruar nga njerzit e rëndomtë, por nga kriminelët e shekullit, që po manipulojnë me të gjitha popujt e Gadishullit të Ballkanit, apo ati Ilirik.
Në të ardhmen, koha do tregojë se kur saktë do ndodhi kjo.

Friday, March 24, 2017


It is for the Director of Immigration in the region Nordboton city Boden, Sweden, where the person named Michael Koskenniemi, makes misuse and shares immigrants as economic opportunities, those in the Middle East and Africa favors, they Balkans, Belarus and Ukraine, discriminates.
I did the same thing with me personally, with brave enough to invite me in private conversation and belittle me, and mock at my plight.
I believe that the Minister of Migration, but the Government of Sweden, have in mind what the person have to do, maybe I familiar with the paper open them, and I intend also to Parliament, King of Sweden, who is the Sovereign of the State, and all international institutions, I suggest your expertise to this padrejtsi and discrimination, that this person has done to me.
I expect that the Government of Sweden to dismissed from the post found therein man harmful fortunately, the people who come to seek here housing, and replace the person human and solidarity, which will first take care about the fate of refugees, then to legjistrativat of this country.
It would be reasonable way and that current director Mikael Koskenniemi withdraw and give his resignation as soon as possible to justify the validity of humanity to refugees in Sweden. Otherwise, with full regard I am would have received by repentance and forgiveness of his own.

 Fergim Demiri, Boden

Thursday, March 23, 2017



Personally for Lady Jessica Wuopio

Dear Jessica, thank you for the care you have expressed for me. It is true that I suffered more and destroys fare under such conditions where the set and ruthless Sir Michael  threw in his team there, you lose even at health since he left me.
I am distressed by health would report Rengen X, obey you should do with the date March 28 Luleo at hospital. I am the corpse of breath, dysfunctional, not usable for life, the depressed and destroyed.
You know that you sent me work permit, but it is useless, because I'm not able to work and stood 8 feet during work hours.
When I sought the permission of the work and when I hope that we will receive working with us Sekond Hand where I was in practice, Sir Michael prevented Process prepared and wished to die with me. Now I'm not for anything with faith, we have hope for life dying, and expire all plans for which you and dream realized. Is there anything to do with the importance of what will happen with me, will you give me a Residence Permit or not to believe. I'm already dead, spirit, and had plans to get married here in Sweden, the family created here, and to give my contribution to all these Skilfully and flair that I the Lord. All fell into the water with the trust.
Thank you for finding the road to the recall, because they cast as Prometheus was the Ravens threw you eat eyes, these Migration your colleagues.
The Lord bless.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Bilt: Balkans edge of explosion, the spark can come from Skopje

Former EU representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina Carl Bildt velrëson the Balkan wars as those first 27 years can not be repeated.
However, in a text piece for "Project Syndicate" has concluded that the situation today is different, he is concerned that the region "slowly but surely become even more konfliktshëm", and this time, he says "sparks may appear in Skopje ".
He estimates that European leaders have a clear selection: Or will deal with problems over there or will expect problems in the Balkans to deal with them.
Bilt therefore proposes to accelerate the process of enlargement, and the program "Eastern Partnership" of the EU be replaced by "Balkan partnership" which will eventually bring the reasoning of these countries into the EU.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

EU to panic, 5 events that will cause chaos in the Balkans

European Council President Donald Tusk this week said that tensions in the Balkans are out of control, and the latter, according to him was caused partly due to the intervention of extraneous factors which are trying to destabilize this area for a while now .

Croatian media report that this situation has caused panic in the European Union, because they finally have realized that the chaos in the Balkans can be increased.

Media have identified five events which could cause problems and instability in the region:

The problem for the creation of the Government of Macedonia - The situation in Macedonia is quite alarming.

President Gjorge Ivanov, has refused to give the mandate Zoran Zaev although the latter has managed to secure 
        Fergim Demiri-Nobel

the signatures of the majority.

He has used the excuse of the Albanian Platform, which according to him violate the sovereignty and independence of Macedonia. Albanians on the other hand, want to change the constitution to introduce Albanian as a second official, and need for equal representation of Albanians in state institutions.

Even SDSM, has led to accusations that the President is trying to make a coup.

The tense situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosnian state has been split between two federal units - the Croatian Federation and the Republic of Serbia.

Head of the Republic of Serbia, Milorad Dodik regularly threatening to organize a referendum on independence, and the situation seems quite tense.

Army wants Kosovo, against Serbia - Kosovo MPs have approved a resolution requesting the unconditional release of former Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, which to this decision will be interrupted the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. In addition, disputes have arisen as President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi took concrete steps and decided to draft a bill that would transform the Kosovo Security Force in the Army.

For this step, immediately reacted Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandr Vucic who said that it is contrary to Resolution 1244 and the Constitution of Kosovo.

Russian intervention in Montenegro - Government of Montenegro probably in May will become the 29th member of NATO. Russia is firmly against this decision, and it all culminated with charges of orchestrating a coup by Russia in Montenegro.

Official Podgorica says that they have busted a group of Russians trying to commit a terrorist attack on election day, ie on October 15 last year.

According to Montenegrin police on the night of the election was carried out a series of planned terrorist actions, attacking institutions, and not excluding deliberate abduction of Montenegrin Prime Minister, Milo Djukanovic. But these charges categorically denied the official Kremlin.

The influence of world powers in the Balkan events - Speaking for the intervention of external factors, Donald Tusk was probably referring to Russia, why not Turkey which is politically very present in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

For many years the European Union has supported precisely the influence of Washington in the region, but after coming to power of Donald Trumpi this has changed.

Montenegrin Foreign Minister Srdjan Darmanvovic said that the government of Montenegro has not seen a turnaround in US policy in the Balkans, but he has urged the EU and NATO to boost efforts to guarantee security and stability in region.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Swiss historian: Albanians have led the world since the Middle Ages, Europe deliberately left aside

Alexandre Lambert, historian, academic director of the "School of International Training" in Geneva, is the author of several books and articles in the field of political philosophy, international relations, security policy and civil-military relations.

Lambert visited Albania and has begun to recognize the Albanian issue in his youth with the searches made in the archives of the League of Nations Geneva, when the issue Cham well recognized.

Swiss historian, Alexandre Lambert insists that is not the case that Albanians in any moment of history as a nation not known to have attacked other nations and that many Albanians if the emperor excellent run, if other countries.

Likewise, according to him, some Albanians have left their name in various fields of sciences in different countries of the world. Further developments historian stopped after World War II, expressing the conviction that what happened in Albania, leaving her Eastern Bloc was an account made by the Allies won the war.

In the end some tips on how to operate the Albanians to go up near the majority, where they try.

Here's what does it for Albanians in the Middle Ages:

In the Middle Ages, the Albanians have given the world leader, lay or religious leaders and cultural personalities that go beyond Europe. Some popes were Albanians, for example - Clement XI the most outstanding of them. But Albanians have been leading the world's most important religions, as head of the Orthodox religion, as well as a Muslim.

In history we find prominent leaders of Albanians in many European countries, even those that sometimes have determined the fate of many historical struggles (in 1515 that Mercury Bua cavalry of Venice, composed of all the Albanians set victory Marinjanit battle, history of the battle of the giants appointed and not Francis I of France, 19, two days they learned how the battle is fought).

Albanians have given many prominent prime ministers and generals Ottoman Empire (Köprülü family only gave 5 prime Empire).

Albanians have given many heroes of Greek independence, of which I will mention Kundurjotis, Marco Boçari, Kanaris, Kolokotronis, Karaiskaqis, Bubulina. Who were in the leadership of the Greek revolution, of which some premiers of newly independent state of Greece.

Romania also had a family parenthood Albanian origin (Alexander and Vladimir Gjika and princess Eleonora known as Dora Distria). Francesco Crispi, friend of Garibaldi, Mazzini Kavouri of that has been a great Italian prime minister, was of Albanian origin.

Carpaçi artists like Alban etc. LEONICA humanist Tome, professor of Copernicus and Albanian personalities were honored by the history of Italy. Muhammad Ali, reformer of Modern Egypt, which French history has called "Napoleon of the Middle East" that Albanians who founded the royal dynasty of Egypt who reigned nearly 150 years.

Architect "Taxhmahallit" in Agra, India, masterpieces of Islamic architecture, was the work of an Albanian as well as the "Blue Mosque" very important mosques of Istanbul. And finally the Albanian national hero Gjergj Kastriot Skanderbeg, an example almost universal freedom fighter, honored in the whole world with memorials not only in Tirana, Pristina and Skopje, but also in Rome, Brussels, Geneva, Detroit, Buenos Aires.

Skanderbeg other pillar are designed to rise in London, Warsaw, Melbourne, Manila, etc. When Albanians have contributed so much to the civilization of mankind, why few people in the world are aware of this, but many do not even have had to accept this reality?

It must be said that such a thing is explained by the relative isolation of the Albanians not unintentionally by the international community, and in particular from the European, since the Congress of Berlin here (1878). Indeed after defeating the Turks in the Russo-Turkish war, the international press began to ignore Albanians work by changing the name of the former Illyrian peninsula inhabited since prehistoric times and until today the Illyrians, the Albanians.

It was baptized with a new name that is still the Balkan Peninsula, just given the range of mountains Balkans. Why was attacked Albanians? Much of the conservative European diplomacy pexhoratif used the term "Turkish" to refer to themselves as Turks all Muslim communities in the Balkans, although most of them are not Turkish. Europe has supported and enlarged lands of Greece, Serbia and Montenegro, at the expense of Albanians.

None of the major European powers did not support the Albanian question, when Albanians formed the League of Prizren to protect their rights case against the decisions of the Berlin Congress. They were left in the lurch by all ... (VOA)