Saturday, July 31, 2021



Arroganca e Edi Ramoviqit na eshte e njohur moti ndaj Mediave dhe ndaj Gazetareve, si servis publik per nevojat e informimit te popullates se car ndodh me politikat e zeza te te zinjeve krimopolitikan, sic eshte dhe Edi Ramoviqi, nga se tani u miqesuan me Vucicin e Srbosllavise, qe duan ta bejne, por su del hesapi tamam disi MINIJUGOSLLAVI.
O krimineli i bashit Edi Ramoski, a Ramoviq je tani, na hutove s'dim sakt car je, Gazetaret jane mall qe i shkel gjithush, por nuk e vjedhin popullin e vet. Kolegu Furkan punon per nje egzistence formale te mbijetoje, se ai nuk vodhi Shqiperine, por vodhe ti, dhe nje dit, shum shpejt do te vije rradha, te shpallesh Non Grata, atje ku i shpallin ne Lista te Zeza, si para ardhesin tend.
Gazetari Furkan ka mar ato pyetje nga Redaksia e punes dhe duhet ta kryej punen qe ia kan besuar, e jo si ti qe po shetit rrugeve te Shkupit, si nje rrugac Narkotikesh.
Vertet, pse ste ka pyetur kolegu Furkan ne cfar Droge ke qene at dit, a ne Heroin, apo je buturosur me Kokaine ndoshta???!
Ju qe beni plane si ta transportoni Drogen e Kanabes ne tregje te zeza, u pengojne gazetaret dihet, dhe mund ti quani si te doni, keni pozita dhe truproje. Mirpo nje dit cdo gje do te ket fund, sa ka pare Bota ehuhaaa si ju qelbesira.
Nuk ju thone Amerikanet kot Peshqit e Medhenj, dhe Peshqit hane Milingonat dhe Mizat, mirpo kur do thahet Mocali a lumi, Mizat dhe Milingonat do hane avash avash Peshqit, sado qofshin te medhenj ore kokbosh. Ti je politikan dhe sjellja jote pasqyron nje vend sic eshte Shqiperija, e qe e ke shkatrruar si ekonomikisht, si moralisht, s'dihet as kush han, as kush pine, ke vrasje dit per dit me arme zjarri, e bere Shqiperine Meksiko, Qen, se mendon se nje dit do ngordhish, se Qent nuk vdesin, ata ngordhin.
Leri te qete Gazetaret ta bejne punen e tyre o Capi di Mafiya, se ka qelluar aj i ri, se po te isha une ne vendin e tij do ta kisha pshty at surratin e kalbur qe ke nga Kokaina.

Shkroi Gazetari i pavarur: Fergim Demiraj

Thursday, July 29, 2021


The Swedish State Migration Agency has committed many violations not only in my case, but also in many other cases from the Balkans by declaring those territories as safe places, although post-war situations are still active, and it is never known that this will happen. a new conflict in the Balkans depends on days, not months and years. This Agency has violated all international conventions, documents and laws for the protection of human rights that are numerous. When I address them in writing and identification, they abuse my explanation and ask kleptomatic questions that they do not know what I am looking for. In order for the general European and World public to know, I for the first time sought Political Asylum for political persecution as a Journalist since May 2012 in Gothenburg in the shelter in Colorado, from where I stayed for 3 months in a private house, and then I was forced to go to their camps in Mellerud and later to the town of Trollhettan. Within 14 months of waiting, I did not receive any response from the Agency, and with insidious coercion from them I was forced to return to the country I came from, full of risks. Then there are other cases of persecution, where I went twice and waited another 17 months in total, I was forced to try myself in Germany in Hamburg, the Germans would give me a stay, but for 4 months I had to return with the help of ECRE- s, European refugee organizations. In 2019 I was denounced for a letter that pleased the Criminalized Government, and before I was tried in vain, I fled again to Sweden, knowing that the status should be resolved according to Dublin by the state where you first sought asylum . When I arrived in Stockholm in Solna where they had the reception center, after waiting 6 hours, at the closing of the reception center, the Head or Director of the reception center came and threw my Passport and addressed me with the words: "For you Sweden is over . You can not believe what situation, you do not know where to go, did you hope that I kept in touch with the Migration Agency, all of Stockholm fell on my head. Once I recovered, I took the subway to Stockholm Train Station, and I had no choice but to choose a distant destination, Belgium, which was 2,000 kilometers from Stockholm. I leave the expenses there as I calculate at all as much as the health which I had ruined at all. With Angina Pectoris, with Diabetes. So I arrived in Brussels, and their agency discriminated against me Fedasil, together with the UNHCR General Commissioner for Refugees, and again you are forced to return to the country with a million risks. When I returned, I had already been sentenced to two months in prison, but with one year probation, in absentia. The economy fell, I lost my job, the Agency did not pay me, in the state sector, I take into account that I was fired from the system and so, even today those of the Swedish Agency are clear why I am writing, even though they know the case through the center and the network international that fingers are everywhere, they want to take me from Belgium, and therefore now, the alternative is the European Court of Human Rights, I am in the process of collecting any document that will advance me before this court where I hope that justice will take its epilogue. Sweden as a state showed the Balkans a Moderate Fascism by expelling entire families from their Continent, and by giving them the chance from the Jungles, the Tundra and the Sahara, have brought the whole world of Terrorists and Criminals into their territory. I do not give up justice, I will go to the end, until justice takes epilogue. Journalist: Fergim Demiri

Wednesday, July 14, 2021


Partit politike ne Maqedonin e Veriut e sidomos ne vecanti keto Shqiptare, kushtimisht thene, themelohen dhe egzistojne per te bere llogarit e tyre grupore pa mbrritu ndonjehere ndonje konsesus per zgjidhje te problemeve nderetnike, vec se nese do ken presione nga nderkombetaret, si me qen ky vend Protektorat, dhr mandej cdo marveshtje qe sillet , ajo nuk rrespektohet dhe thyhet, behen leshime nga pala Shqiptare pa patur kushtezime, dhe vetem behet ndarja e pushtetit ku hisen tre cerekshe e marin Sllavet Maqedonas.
Historija e re e mban mend nje proqes qe u zhvillua ne vitin 1992, pra referendum pati ne mesin e qytetareve Shqiptar per Autonomi Teritoriale e Politike, u vendosen konturat e daja, edhe faktori nderkombetare ndikoj dhe ndihmoj qe te realizohet, si nga Keshilli i Evropes atehere, ashtu dhe nga SHBA-ja, ketu kishte vezhdus, biles edhe vet Senatori Shqiptaro-Amerikan mori pjese, Brukseli e pranoi si akt, edhe departamenti Amerikan dhe Senati, por Shqiptaret e politikes calamane u shiten per ca vende Ministrore, ca pozita statike, per iteresa personale dhe krejt aj mund shkoj ne gremin dhe u rrenua.
Situata momentale ne Maqedonin e Veriut eshte alarmante, nuk funksionon Kushtetuta e vendit, as ligjet, as Palamenti si shtepija e te zgjedhurve te popullit, behen matematika megalomane te tipit te Mafijes Politike, vaferohen me se tepermi Shqiptaret dhe pakicat e tjera se shteti eshte akoma monocentrik, dhe bashkesija Evropjane nuk shikon me interesa per ket vend, dhe per shtete si ky per rreth.
Ne pah eshte iniciativa per gjoja ringjalljen e Autonomise qe e kan vetshpallur disa si ILIRIDA, dhe se kam te qarte pse kjo duhet te shenderrohet ne levizje a parti politike!? Proqesi i vetvendosjes u kry ne vitin 1992 ku njerzit u ndeshen me pasoja, pati burgosje, debime, pushime nga vendet e punes, mandej u rradhiten ngjarjet si Bit Pazari, Ladorishti, Gostivari me Tetoven, dhe deri ne ditet e sotme ku Burgjet e keti vendi jane perplot me Shqiptare te burgosur me denime te perjetshme per ceshtje politike.
Lojrat dhe dredhite, manipulimet dhe nderkembezat vertetojne tezen time se Shqiptaret, jo nga sot, po jane bashkepuntor te pushteteve Sllave qe ne Jugosllavin Mbreterore, ish Jugosllavine ne sherbimin inteligjent civil UDBA si bashkepuntor vullnetare, dhe nuk mund te presish qe nga keto strukturime te realizohet kantonizim a federalizim i Maqedonis se Veriut. Nuk mund ta bejne Partit klasore vet pa popullin, e popullin ata e kerkojne vetem kur ju duhet vota per pushtet, mandej e harrojne se egziston ai.
U apeloj ketyre qe paskan etje per pushtet, te heqin dore nga ide te atilla vec te para , por te mblidhen rreth nje organizate e cila ska nevoj per regjistrim me. Ne qytetaret Shqiptar te keti vendi e dham mbeshtetjen, por dikush na trathtoj. Tani le tja leme kohes, kur ti vije momenti i duhur, se me pulaxhinj ne politike nuk mbahet oxhak, thonin pleqt me pare.
Nobel Manastirliu


Sunday, July 11, 2021

Don't forget Srebrenica


Europe and the World, the United Nations, and the European Union, have a great responsibility for the Srebrenica Millennium Massacre and Genocide, and this should not be forgiven at all by Bosniaks, and by the whole world.
The United Nations therefore allowed its military contingents, that the Serbian paramilitary army, which misused the vehicles of the former Yugoslav Army, and together with the Security Council and NATO, had the opportunity to issue an ultimatum to the Serbian paramilitaries, and if they did not withdraw, to bomb, to prevent genocide, who still knows the exact numbers of how many people were killed, disappeared, buried alive, etc.
Bosnia and Herzegovina must be held accountable by these structures, and seek redress, both from Serbia and those who left the Paramilitary Forces entering the area of protection by the UN force.
The UN cannot be amnestied from the omission it has made, and it must have in its conscience every soldier, every officer of it, for this Giant Massacre./ Editorial

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


Jam mirenjohs i Zotit qe me ka dhene mundesine te jem pjes i berjes i nje historije dhe nje akti sic ishte akti i referendumit dhe organeve te Autonomis Kulturore teritoriale dhe politike qe mbajti emrin Ilir "ILIRIDA".
Pra jam krenar qe jam pjesmarres i historiberjes se re per popullin tim i cili ishte i shtypur dhe i nenshtruar, e qe erdhen disa dhe ia zun frymen keti akti, i solli dikush qe ta pengojne Autonomine dhe ta trathtojne idealin e atyre me te guximshmive ne kohen kur digjeshte toka nga fuqija e Kasapit te Ballkanit qe shkatrroj nje Jugosllavi, dhe balli qe u dha ishte besa qe sot ka vdek, nuk e ka me.
Nuk e di valle dikush mban llogari per ata qe udhetonin me fuqit e veta per ta ber at akt, por sidoqoft koha do i nxjerr ne drit nje dit, edhe nese dikush do ti harroje njerzit qe edhe sot jane jasht sistemit te shtetit monoteik, pa pune, pa egzistence, por qe nuk e shesin dinjitetin e tyre per shkak ca letrave qe quhen paara se ka vdekje, dhe jeta eshte e shkurter.
ILIRIDASI Nobel Manstirliu




Nje ngjyre, nje fjale, dhe keshtu varg,

Fjal te shpirtit me kolot gezimi,

E me ankth bardh e zi,

Poetesha larg brenda endrrave nxjerr fjale,

Tregon ate qe se shkruan, por me mall,

Dallget, ato I mungojne kur shkaktojne bucame,

Gjenija se le te qete, trazon shpirtin, me ngjyra,

Shpesh here si zjarr dalin ne siperfaqe ne piktur,

Mundohet ta zbus zemren te mos shenderohet ne gure,

Atje larg, ku endrrat shpesh e ngacmojne per atdhene,

Poetesha e ngjyrave permes kolorit cdo gje na rrefen.


Sunday, July 4, 2021



In the living mud where Macedonia has fallen, no falco summit, or attempt at any Mini Schengen Status will pull it out of the living mud.
Westerners need to be clear that unless they put pressure on these incriminating structures in the Western Balkans, especially in Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, to step down, nothing will help improve their status. the region, because trillions and trillions of Euros have been stolen from the coffers of these countries, countries with Mafia bases, where gangs hold power, where the legal-political system is dysfunctional, where there is no education for state formation or the new generations, where there is trade savage, street crime, and where bribery and nmegalomaniac corruption are at stake.
You of the international community, it is time to inform these thieves in these countries that I mentioned, that they should leave and isolate, if necessary, by force.
Here in this territory you have as a NATO security system over 50 thousand troops. It would be hard to dismiss someone if they had to and by force if they do not listen to the suggestions of the international system! You have to be operational, if you will not allow yourself this situation that is prevailing in the Western Balkans.

There is no need for Mini Schengen at all, with that the Mafia of these countries wants an official union with the amen of the internationals.
If you had allowed this act to take place, then you too would have been complicit in the misfortune that will befall the peoples living in the Balkans, or Western Illyria, and the consequences will one day reach you in Europe, America, and all the countries of the World. Your task is to prevent the incriminated people from pursuing slavery policies in these countries and to establish once and for all peace, if we are to be the Protectorate under the United Nations umbrella.
The remnants of such systems will lead to migration, because the people of the Western Balkans are tired of the tortures of the Mafia powers of their countries, and will seek refuge throughout Europe and the World.
Do not force us to become Nomad peoples, we have such a tradition scheme, but we will be forced.

Wrote: Nobel Manastirli, opinionist and European policy analyst.

Thursday, July 1, 2021



Jag kommer att bita denna tagg som orsakar smärta,

Jag kommer att tugga det och bryta det med mina trasiga tänder,

Till tornen kommer jag att sätta skräck i hans blod och själ så snart han fångar den där den är,

Han orsakar obehag och smärta, men jag tål det!

O stink, jag säger till honom, vet du att jag inte är rädd för dig? !!

Du gjorde mig aska, för att du fortfarande är med mig?!

Och jag, med den smärta du tillförde mig, kommer att vara som du,

Det kommer att krossa din topp med det gift du har och ditt utsäde ...

Jag kommer att kasta det i helvetets eld, ejjjj, långt och djupt, låt det brinna,

Jag svär vid taggen, oavsett hur listig du är, han kommer att hitta och smälta,

Ja, i Gud tror jag, att jag en dag kommer att bita dig,

Jag argumenterar med dig så här!?

Fërgim Demiri - Nobel Manastirli

21 oktober 2016, Boden, Sverige.