Sunday, January 27, 2019


Taking into account the circumstances from the last period of functioning of the European community and the European Parliament as well as the European Commission as an exaggerated organ of the Union, it is clearly seen that this bundle of powerful capitalist states with industrial economies makes discrimination and oppression against small states of the continent of Europe, violating the basic human rights, and all the international documents and conventions for the protection of human rights and freedoms, and especially those categories of people who are not protected by any protection system, especially the Journalists .                                                                                                         

When should human rights be protected, especially for the most vulnerable categories belonging to the endangered group of journalists, military, policemen and other categories from the Political Opposition of states without democracy and discriminatory systems, where there is dictatorship and danger of imprisonment and physical liquidation of the abovementioned opponents, and impacts on their families, the European states do not accept the AZIL POLITOK category because they have also participated in the creation of policies of the states from the pioneering people who seek refuge and protection from the countries of the European Union, for themselves declare themselves to be free and "democratic", where freedom of speech is guaranteed by the Constitution and with all international human rights documents as well as the international human rights law as an international legal category.
One of these states is Sweden, a country that says for itself that it is 'democratic' where I as a journalist endangered in a fascist and dictatorial system in my country Ish Macedonia, now North Macedonia, was forced from 2012 to now three times I go to Sweden to give me Political Asylum, and neither gave me, nor refused me, but kept me either in heaven or in the ground.
After this situation, after the third return from Sweden to my country which has thrown me from the system at all, without the functioning of the Balkan state that is in the South of the European continent, I as a knowing circumstance I decided to address to the European Commission for help, but even though I sent a number of documents as evidence, they responded so fiercely and categorically fascist that I said the right, nor did I expect that in Europe, and especially in its institutions, there are so many nationalism and fascism.

Here's what the European Commission answers:

Most likely, these leaders who are in charge of the institutions of the European Union seem to have made this organization for themselves, for the Political Class, to be protected and untouchable for any other juridical power and justice, while the rights of the citizens of Europe have as their goal to realize their dark intentions, exposing ordinary people, and those who raise the voice of justice to block them, laid out by state systems from the vine, and by not allowed to enter the systems of their states, seeing some sort of risk of political competition, because those who are above the ion-integer like Johannes Han and federico Mogerini and others, are normally scared.
But my job with that will not remain. I am collecting all the documents, whether they are evidence of the risk and the discrimination that has been done in the state of vii, and what the Swedish Migration Agency has served me for three times that I have been there, and all these complete documents will be handed over to the European Parliament, and then to the media in Europe such as Al Jazeera, VOA, BBC, DW, etc, all through the Federation of Journalists of Europe, where I am a member and the International, and I will go to the end until the real justice comes to my case.
those of the European Commission have made it easy for their offices to judge dance, I have complied with norms to help them or not, not knowing that today in this digital time, everywhere can find the laws and norms of the whole world. It was important to myself, so I will continue to do so as long as I live in this World War for Justice.
But it is not just my case with 24 months in Sweden that is not solved by a member state of the European Union that has the obligation to choose it with the signing of international documents such as Geneva, Luxemburg and Dablin.
Sweden, in reality The corrupt Migration Agency of Sweden is returning families from Iran where there is a high security risk where dissidents after imprisonment, without trial, are liquidated and liquidated.
Sweden is turning a Cift out of Iran after about 8 years, risking the life of the couple and their child.
Valle is not this a new Holocaust of the Community that says it is Europeans, and what are the democratic values ​​that are being said by the Commissioners of the European Commission and the Parliamentarians of Europe? What are the norms that the European Union is imposing on, and that with international conventions, if Sweden does not resolve my case or any other, addresses Luxembourg on the basis of the dablin's admission and asks for another state where the status of a person or family can be resolved.

Zohreh, 32, expelled after nine years - took off for a little vacation

After nine years in Sweden, the MS-sick care assistant Zohreh Gheydar will now be expelled to Iran. 
The reason? She has earned too little and taken out few holiday days, according to the Migration Board.
- It's not fair, she says. 
The care assistant Zohreh Gheydar will be expelled, which Dagens Nyheter was the first to tell about on Sunday. The message came on January 7, and Zohreh says it's hard to tell about that day. She was in the kitchen in the apartment in Upplands Väsby outside Stockholm when she got the call. 
- I didn't think they would expel me after nine years. I had made lots of plans for the future, and that day everything just got black for me, she says to Expressen. 
For nine years she has lived and worked in Sweden. First at a cleaning company, and for some years back in home care.

Migration Board: Served too little

Meanwhile, her work permit has been renewed several times - but in January this year it stopped. Her legal representative stated that she had to be expelled back to Iran. 
When the last permit expired in 2016, Zohreh applied for a permanent residence permit, but even though she fulfilled the requirements to have been in Sweden for a certain number of years, she received a rejection. The Migration Board believes that her previous work permit has not met the rules needed to stay in the country.
The reason is that she earned too little, and that she did not take out any holiday days in 2013, reports DN. The supply requirement was SEK 13,000, and according to Zohreh's employment contract, she has a basic salary of SEK 15,500, but since she has had hourly pay, she has in some months not come up in basic salary. According to the Migration Board, she has not worked after her employment contract, writes DN.
Zohreh says she was told by her employer that she could save the days to next year - but that was not the case. 
- It's very strange. I have worked, attended courses and paid taxes all the time, I have struggled so much. 
Today she asks why the Swedish Migration Board did not announce her already in 2014, when the problem arose. 
DN has talked to Irene Sokolow, press secretary at the Migration Board, who says that the authority has informed Zohreh Gheydar that the salary did not follow the basic salary of the employment contract. But this should have been done only at the end of 2017 and Zohreh believes that it was not at all clear what the problem was. 

Ill in MS: "May be blind" 

In her job, Gheydar has had customers she met three times a week for several years. They have become more like a family than customers, she says. 
- I had a customer I met three times a week for over four years. She is not just a customer for me, I have been with her for so many years. Several of them are trying to find ways to help me now.
To further complicate the matter, Zohreh Gheydar has the nerve disease ms. Today she feels good when she can eat brake medication - but the medicine she is taking today does not exist in Iran. 
- I feel great with the medicine. I can drive and go, I have balance and everything is very good now. But the doctor has said that the medicine I have been taking for three years is not in Iran. If I am going to change medicine, there is a great risk that it will get worse, I can sit in a wheelchair or get blind. 
For Zohreh, the chances of staying in Sweden feels small. She and her legal representative will appeal the decision to the Migration Court of Appeal, but there are few cases raised. 
- I have less than one percent chance of having my case tried in that court. But I will try to appeal anyway, because it is not fair. It's not fair.
 The EKSPRESSEN newsletter from Sweden has been written for this occasion.

By that it means that in the doors of the European Union it is knocking a racist and fascist politics, and that this can be a great danger for the continent of Europe itself.
Residents of the continent of Europe can not find refuge in their continent, but are forced to seek shelter and peace elsewhere, up to communist states like China, Cuba, even more far off Australia, New Zealand, East secondary as eg. Israeli, and finally Japan. This does not seem a bit ridiculous and sarcastic to the people of Europe, or do you also give green light to your Nazifasist politicians who are stirring up Fascism like Lugat? !!

Fergim Demiri-Nobel, Journalist and Analyst.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019



By Fergim Demiri, Journalist from Macedonia.

Honorable to the European Commission.
I appealed to you with a Complaint on my case, not to tell me that I have no reason and that you do not see any reason to react because I am a citizen of Europe.
Say you do not look at anything that could push you to take steps in my case.
So I will send by mail all my documents that I have submitted to the Swedish Migration Agency for three times that I have been in Sweden to seek refuge from the pressures, tortures and dictatorships that were in the power of Macedonia to this day, and are still in power.
Say if it was a European Union state.
But if it were a European Union state, it would not put pressure and would not use violence against journalists as Macedonia did.
In the European Commission, which type of citizens do you protect, only the Aristocrats, the Messengers and Criminals, or the European Union is open to all its citizens?
I have no chance in my continent to look for, you can guess, bring in terrorists and criminals and different gangs from the Middle East and within 2 months give you a residence permit and then put the bombs and terror on there. You helped a Mega Criminel like Nikola Gruevski being sheltered in a European Union state, what justice do you have to say that Europeans are here ?!
have been before the arrival of my Illyrians, they have established the continent of Europe that you are paying off and disappear.
I do not give up and testify that I am right and that Macedonia has made terror and is doing it today, and you as you please.
you will soon receive all the documents I have submitted to Migration in Sweden and why. If I had no pressure, I would not have asked the Commissioner for help, but I am looking and I have information that the Commissioners are also distinguished as a Christian and the Criminals.
Do not take action, but you know that the structures in both the European Parliament and the European Commission will soon change. They are not the same all. We'll see. I do not give up until justice comes out and it does not win. I am in a simple way, and my Continent does not accept what the ignorant cataclysms are in the Council of Europe.

Fergim Demiri, Journalist from Macedonia.


My event will go to the media of relevance in Europe and in the Voice of America, do not be surprised then why you are on tapet as a Continental organization. I was kindly approached because I am Europe, but you do not appreciate these values.
Simply, I do not know what criteria the European Commission requires from me to fill in and allow me the status of a political seeker asylum, should I not kill my body limbs ?!
So I asked for Asylum and Housing not to happen to me !!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019



Обезличениот заменик Премиер од редовите на ДУИ јавно им се заканува на Пратениците Албанци од редовите и на неговата Партија ДУИ и на другите Пратеници од другите Политички Партии на Албанците во Македониа.
Со кое право овој човек им се заканува на Пратениците кои се изгласани од Граганите, а не се именувани ниту од него , ниту од ДУИ и лидерот нивни Али Ахмети?! Зарем Обвинителството замижува и не си ја работи својата работа? каде е формата на покренување на постапка по допрен глас, зарем за криминализираните политичари не важи таа норматива на ЗКП, и колку треба да се толерираат ваквите настани, за да почнеме нормално да живееме во ова земја, зашто држава не е веке. Се виде од државноста на ова место, чим му се даде вораце да ја има Мафијата, туриму пепел.
Пратениците Албанци од другите Партии немаат никаква обврска кон договорот со Грција за менување на името на државата, а не за влез во НАТО и ЕУ. нив никој не ги праша и не беа дел од договарањата да се разбираме. На ДУИ му гори под нозе и не знаат како сега да се вадат сем да го подржат Зоран Заев неспособниот, кој ја разори Македониа до крај и ги умртви Институциите на ова место кое веке не е држава.
Ме чуди со овие од СЈО, еднаш проговорија за криминалите на ДУИ, и сетне закутија како она под гаки!
Дправниот систем веке е разорен до крај, и што глумат овие од СЈо кои се сметаа за себе дека се независни и аполитички настроени?!!
на Османи му гори под нозете за 80 милјони а Богами имаме сознаниа дека се и повеке. Се работи за Милјарди Евра, тоа го знае и СЈО, ама кутат!
Пратениците албанци од другите партии сем ДУИ имаат свој принцип на работа и тие ке гласаат онака како што се ситуациите и барањата на Албанците. Албанците не се Гласачка Машина во македониа. И тие си имаат свои дигнитет и живот, и не ке може ни Могерини ниту пак Криминалецот Хан, а Богами никој да им сервира веке на Албанците тоа што не им оди во прилог.
Албанците во македониа треба да бидат фактор а не аргати на нечиа агента на Прорусизам и на Панславизам.
Се додека не се остварат барањата кои се од животно прашање во македониа за Албанците, да се државотворен народ, нема ни Преспански Договор, ни НАТО ниту ЕУ, сето тоа е ветер во магла на мафиашките номенклатури во ова територија наречена Македониа.
Албанците, всушност си имаат свој партнер во Светот, а тоа се САД.


Monday, January 7, 2019


Per femrat shqiptare


Isha, dikund larg vendit tim,
Preka detin Veriore me nje mendim qe me shpiente drejt nje kujtimi,
Dallget i porosita per nje dashuri, valle i thane saje se e dua?!
Po,...prere mu pergjigjen me nje tingellim, por te kishte harruar.
Me ke une isha dashuruar, pyeta veten, me qeneje njerzore apo me bishe?!
U tret shpirti im, e zemra u trishtua dhe psoi ne vajtim dhembje,
Une i gjori atje palge ne perendim, prisja dashurine time ne amshim,
E ajo ishte katandisur me Turqine dhe dardanelet e shkreta,
Thash, cfar dashurije ishte kjo pa kuptim?!
Dhe me nje te re nder Shqiptaret se gjeta.

Me vjen keq qe dua te them me stil te ketille, por me Shqiptaret me as qe mundesh te komunikosh normal, e lere me ti propozosh dashuri ndonjeres. ceshte kjo do te thone, dhe mandej neper rrjetet plot miresi dhe deklarojne fjale per dashuri, kurse nga ana tjeter ti i rrespekton, e ato te fshine komunikimin ne mesingger.
Epo cfar duhet te them per femrat Shqiptare tjeter, kur sjan ne gjendje te rrespektojne kualitetin dhe miresine e dikujte?
Une kam ba be qe me me Shqiptare kurr sdo te lidhem edhe pse kam nevoje per lidhje, une jam si gjith meshkujt e tjere. Jo kurr per bese. Nuk i njoh me dhe sjam duke i kuptuar fare...!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Кабинетот на Зајче Премиерот, ме прогласил за непосакувана личност.

Очекував да ми се случи и тоа после толку време од Плазмоиди во Политиката на Криминалот и Раскрчмувачите во ова територија, оти држава не ја бива!!
Во саботата, добив писмен одговор по повод мојата поплака и жалба до Кабинетот на Зоран Заев, Премиерот на Северна Македониа, каде мегу другото сум прогласен од нив, мегу редови, за непосакувана личност, и како Јавна Личност- Новинар, и како граганин.
Имено, шефот на Кабинетот на Зоран Заев - Премиерот, како и некојси сектор нивен во Преседателството на Владата, констатирале дека Фергим Демири е неподобна личност, и непосакувана за системот на ова општество, па сега тој што сака нека направи, нема никакви грагански права, ама должности има колку сакаш, да плака порез, струја, вода, комунални такси, и се што нетреба да се плака.
Почитувани пријатели, па во каква Европска Унија ке ве однесат вас овие неписмени луге, зашто јас итака ке си заминам после ова, без да чекам веке, и кај Март месец, во некоја од државите на Европската Унија, за да барам Политички Азил, ама сега со еден силен документ, каде што веке од самиот шеф на Извршната Власт, сум прогласен за Нонграта личност.
Дали веке има логика човек да ја нарекува ова пустелија за Држава, и да ја сака ве молам?! Јас не веке. Не ја рачунам за држава, не е веке моја, нема да признавам ни Устав, ни Закони, ниту пак постоење на никакви Институции, нема да плакам никакви давачки кон ова пустелија, и нема да кажама дека потекнувам од Македониа.
Чим влегувам во Шенгенскиот простор, мојот посран Пасош ке го фрлам во Море, и ке се преставам дека сум од Азија или од непознато место, и нема веке да се вракам никогаш во овој пуст крај.
Што ке правите вие не знам, ама јас веке не сум од Македониа, за мене веке нејзе ја нема, не постои, и така да ке го кажам само мојот Национален Идентитет.
Доста беа заебанции веке, Македониа ниту постоела некогаш, ниту ке постои веке. Барем за мене е така. Сум дал за ова пуста земја и јас и моите блиски, а не сме земале ништо. Уште и не судат и не прогласуваат за неподобни луге.
Македониа нека им остане во бајките на оние кои немаат рбет.

Лично: Фергим Демири-Нобел
Новинар и Аналитичар

Saturday, January 5, 2019


I am free to link women from Sweden, because we now live there Boden city. I am an immigrant from Macedonia, and expect solutions to my status in Sweden.
I am 55 years old, intellectual and intelligent, I sludate three faculties having different specializations, Courses and inteletual special skills, know many languages, all countries in the Balkans, English, Russian, Swedish somewhat, German, Italian and Spanish a.
In my country I worked Journalist for 25 years, and finally was persecuted as a political dissident, whom I had to seek protection here in Sweden.
I have a dog in connection with the first, for various reasons shared, have two adult children, 30 and 28, they also intellectual.
I think to stay in Sweden and live here, continue with studies and work where the need needs me.
I took journalism, the Academy of Arts, the general direction, Kulturologji with musicology, and the faculty a teaching for teachers.
Initial contacts in the chat and later as well as networks of other addresses.
My name is Demiri Fergim - Nobel.


Jag är fri att länka kvinnor från Sverige, eftersom vi nu bor där Boden stad. Jag är en invandrare från Makedonien, och förväntar sig lösningar på min status i Sverige.
Jag är 55 år gammal, intellektuell och intelligent, jag sludate tre fakulteter har olika inriktningar, Kurser och inteletuale speciella färdigheter, vet många språk, alla länder på Balkan, engelska, ryska, svenska något, tyska, italienska och spanska a.
I mitt land arbetade jag Journalist hela 25 år, och slutligen förföljdes som en politisk dissident, som jag var tvungen att sökt skydd här i Sverige.
Jag har en hund i samband med den första, av olika skäl delas, har två vuxna barn, 30 och 28 år, de också intellektuell.
Jag tror att stanna i Sverige och bor här, fortsätta med studier och arbete där naden behöver mig.
Jag tog journalistik, Academy of Arts, den allmänna inriktningen, Kulturologji med musikvetenskap, och fakulteten en undervisning för lärare.
Inledande kontakter i chatten och senare samt nätverk av andra adresser.
Mitt namn är Demiri Fergim - Nobel.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Scandalous: Europe financed 33 billion euros to Macedonia to suppress Albanians

Macedonia's crooked way and Albanian platform
Write: Nijazi Muhammad

This "platform", the one that has begun (1990), has been completed in Tetovo and will be today a platform for Albanian permanence on its own ground, will bring European work to the EU Ambassador in Skopje, Mr. Zhabagar and this one is removed that he does not know yet and does not care about the scars that are making the stramastics of crooked identities with words of conquest, with words of submissions and dips against our language in its place.

The first job to be launched without punishment should be the work of his Embassy in the European paths to the post-platform Macedonia to remove this "state" from the crooked way he has taken on the path backwards towards Europe and in which way this European embassy has also helped in times ahead of him. It is well known that this embassy (on behalf of the EU) has made us silly for us Albanians as well as the perpetrators of those who scourge down against us sokaqeve - and both sides hang on the same twisted track and do the same job : they scour the words that do not want us alive in our country, this looks strange and does not recognize us and our language in his embassy and in Europe, which from 1991 to 2009 has pardoned for "state building "The distorted" state-of-the-art "construction, stramastically 33 billion euros to monoethnic Macedonia, of which Albanians have not seen it, because they have not been given to us either.

At the same time, the Albanian "Platform" has been done to remedy this crooked work of the EU embassy in Skopje (and also the EU) and to remedy Macedonia's crooked path to Europe, aided by this embassy , which has also severely violated the MO's non-implementation, this agreement is a disagreement that also understands it as "self-denial", which the "self-ignored people" recognizes as an emigrant and ruthless people with "European conscience" from the country and you know now "immigrant rights" in language and culture, etc ...

With Albanian "Platform", therefore, it will begin to fix this distorted Macedonian path because, in order to put it right and to recognize Europe properly, its path must imperatively be legitimized in two democratic ranks - in the field of the functioning of the whole democratic institutions, this crisis seemed to be almost fundamentally rooted in the recognition of Albanian legitimacy for equal partnership in Macedonia's multinational state. Knowing the Albanian Platform therefore gives and strengthens the legitimacy of the state's existence and strengthens its lack of democratic legality ...!


Mesaya @ Jesus