Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Directed to the European Commission


Distinguished Excellencies of the European Commission.

I am writing to you from Macedonia, from a dark Balkan country. I am a journalist with a profession, and my profession is very dangerous for the Balkan land, where there is no freedom, no democracy, nor existent for those who oppose criminals in politics.
The bad politics of Macedonia started with the separation from Yugoslavia until today destroyed human lives, destroyed the economy of the Macedonian population and destroyed the future of the people living in this desolate country.
The support of the politicians incriminated in Macedonia by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and the European Parliament makes us untruthful and ruthless citizens from the misunderstanding of criminals and gangs who enter the policy of a state that has no systematic basis legal and legal action, breaking all human rights that are guaranteed by all the documents and conventions and international human rights clauses, as well as the disrespect of the bad constitution of the country that resembles that of the century of the Middle Ages Ladies and Gentlemen of the European Commission.
Freedom of speech is dead since the Macedonian mass exodus from Yugoslavia to date, and it has not moved any centimeters from the correction. The journalists are persecuted, imprisoned as political dissidents, and killed, the entire Albanian community knows what is happening, and this is continuing today.
The masks with the referendums, which are alleged to be involved in NATO and EU, are just masks to hide behind them the Macedonian political criminals with nothing more. Even today, although the conjunction of power has changed, there are persecutions, judging people who think differently, and being isolated and dispossessed by the system of society Intellectuals and Journalists who do not belong to political flagrances, because the Political Party with Ideology in Macedonia does not.
One of those who has been punished by criminal politics, and I am an honored journalist, Excellency. I have been forced to save my head, to go to a European country since 2012 on the occasion of Monstres, when it was necessary to write and verify. I had threats to my life and to the family, which I am suffering today. I am in Scandinavia, in the state of Sweden, thinking it is a Democratic State, and that I will give my permission and will give me a residence permit as a political asylum seeker, but even though three times I went there to find shelter, they did not give it to me, and I was forced to roam Europe and return to funeral in the state of Hell where I was in various dangers.
But not only I had pressure. Macedonia's racist and criminal perpetrators are torturing me all my family, my children, my son still judging, now with the change of power, yet for two and a half years they are judging and not the epilogue.
As for information, I addressed the Migration Agency in Sweden again with a Political Asylum Application, and I expect after the constitution of the new government and the formation of the new boards of the Agency to be allowed to stay there.
So far for this period, the Swedish Migration Agency has broken all international documents and conventions as well as political issues regarding migration issues, breaking the Lussenburg, Dublin document, Geneva document and many other articles who had signed it before joining the Union and the United Nations. Especially that of Dublin, which guarantees full security for Migrants seeking political asylum and who can not return to the state by the vine for security reasons.
I have requested clarification from the ECRE organization, and from UNCHR, and from Dublin, and I have no answer what will happen to me as an endangered person in my country.
All these organizations as well as that of the International Federation of Journalists, know my case, and keep silent.
for which European "democracy" are honored words European Commission Excellencies please ?!
I have left to know my situation and the European media and to set up an initiative through them to internationalize my problem, but there is still another if you refuse to consider this issue.
So, I beg you to take seriously into consideration my problem that it can be a bigger problem. I will immediately publish this in some media, this letter that is being sent to you, and to know that the European Commission would be implicated in the discrimination of journalists, intellectuals and politicians from Macedonia and the Balkans.
Sweden has to respond because it is rejecting people from Europe's Continent when they seek refuge there when they have to accept it because they have signed many international documents and conventions for sheltering and protecting them.

Written by journalist from Macedonia, Fergim Demiri

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