Monday, September 4, 2023


Honorable members of the European Commission. Now for a long time in the state of the former Yugoslavia, North Macedonia, public health is being destroyed, where new generations are losing their lives due to therapeutic errors on purpose by the State Oncology Clinic, giving them inadequate therapy, which is stolen by the employees, and sold in Kosovo and other Balkan countries. One of them was my youngest son Rinim Demiri, who at the age of 33 lost his life from the crime he committed in this state clinic. Cytostatics, morphine, injections to increase immunity and all the therapy are stolen. The patients are subjected to corruption, who does not have money, does not find support to be treated and cured, and instead of therapy, they give the patients Physiological Infusions so that they die as soon as possible. My son died for 4 months, because the deadlines for the research were extended by 3 months, and thus the Malignancy metastasizes, so that in the end it ends in death. Believe me, dear, the doctor who treated the boy didn't even want to make an appointment, and all the time she left the boy in the false hope that in the end she would release him without a discharge list, except with a one-sentence report, and without an ambulance. 200 kilometers to travel to his hometown, from Skopje. I don't want to talk more, you will see the photos and documents that I will send you, but it is not only my son at a young age who is afraid of the theft of the Doctors with white Mantillas who became Black in this case, because this lasts a full 20 years in that Clinic, and I'm wondering, where did the Hippocratic oath go when they graduated? I request that in the next report of the European Commission negative evaluations are given for the state of North Macedonia, I as a journalist and as a person who has the right to feel the justice which in my country does not work at all, the applicants for the European Union should be informed. that with the Mafia and Criminality we enter the Commonwealth of Civilized States where every human life is cared for. In the former Yugoslav state of Macedonia, public health does not exist, and we are in the rank of underdeveloped states, while the Governments require an application to integrate into the European Union. How Sarcastic indeed! With respect, it is my duty as a journalist to inform you about this injustice, which is a right that is guaranteed by international conventions for the protection and care of human health. Journalist, Fergim Demiri, Manastir, North Macedonia.

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