Sunday, August 12, 2018


Slavic Macedonians, after separating the Yugoslav state from that, have long experimented on how to make a modern and European state, but without Albanians and other peoples living in that country.
Initially from the International Community and from the Albanian Political Party, it is well known that Macedonia as a state can only exist as a state of citizens, and on social grounds and the regulation of that state to be democratic-social.
However, the elites brought by Belgrade with Kiro Gligorov and other people who came to this country, close to Slobodan Milosevic then, and with several circles from Bulgaria, Macedonians brought in Anbis with ideas of Macedonia for occupation of the territories supposedly they have taken them without a drift, with context to turn Thessaloniki into Macedonian territory.

 Slavic politicians in Macedonia with this nationalist gesture, spread nationalism and within the boundaries of this non-existent state, which the international community dreamed of how to coexist with its existence, and made division from the ethnic base, with a pretext of ethnic Albanian living in the territory of Macedonia .They sometimes gave the chance to improve this place, demanding radical changes to the Pansllava policies, but this was not the case today, and even today it is happening, even though a barrier has been overcome by the name of the state that the neighboring state of Greece viewed rightly as a stumbling block, since the Constitution of the country is still bigger in the direction of nationalist chauvinism that the constitution must be completely amended and a new constitution must be made.After the Prespa report, Pansllav nationalism has grown bigger in this country, and discrimination against other minorities in this country.
Roma, as a category of people living in this country, have been left out of the way, nor are they counting the living Slavs of Macedonia, but Albanians where they are few, for example in my city where I live in Bitola, where they are not even 2% , in recent times it is not allowed even in the cafes and premises where the owners of Macedonian Slavs are to be introduced. if I think that there are Albanians, yet without expelling the drink they exclude from their premises. I certify that I happened to be a Journalist several times, the last one was over.
nationalism and chauvinism in such a small country that with the great power of the powers remained the blade of their own interests, remained the worst country in Europe where discrimination at all levels is higher than in Asia, Arabia Saudi Arabia and Africa.

 The games that are being made by this Government of the Slavonic Macedonia are also dirty and manipulate the public with political trigonometry and try to deceive the international factor that the obstacles are from outside and not from within.
The referendum will not succeed because the Slavs themselves do not want entry into NATO or the EU. Everything else is masquerade and manipulation to the general public, because even Prime Minister Zoran Zaev is a political manipulator, along with several leaders of the Albanian Political Parties who are looking for power, and not for solving the problem for 27 years now makes the place.
The failure to resolve the situation has forced 720,000 mostly young people to migrate from Macedonia, while the authorities through the Ministry of Interior and Justice falsify citizens' identity documents and all of us have made it to Macedonian ethnicity or nationality.
There are also those who are prosecuted and prosecuted for political affairs, some are in prison, and some are forced to seek political asylum in European countries.

 He wrote: Demiri Fergim, a journalist


  1. Te mungoj une mesiguri Stela. Kerkome te ma degjosh zerin ne te ka mare malli. Aktivizohe dhe cbllokohe Profilin tim dhe do behet mire. Do mund te flasish serbes, pse fshihesh pas grindjeve qe te bejne dem. Ndoshta ndizet nje flake e re e pertrirjes ku me dit.

  2. Te mungoj une mesiguri Stela. Kerkome te ma degjosh zerin ne te ka mare malli. Aktivizohe dhe cbllokohe Profilin tim dhe do behet mire. Do mund te flasish serbes, pse fshihesh pas grindjeve qe te bejne dem. Ndoshta ndizet nje flake e re e pertrirjes ku me dit.

  3. Te kujtohet kjo foto Stela kur ishim nga fillimi, ne Geteborg u fotografova per ty qe te me shikosh.
