Friday, August 24, 2018



We made known to Excellency his Ambassador of the European Union in Macedonia with his headquarters in Skopje that with the distorted and unclear statements he gives to the public, much more encourages dissatisfaction with the citizens and the intolerance than if he did not say anything about the so-called referendum.We point out that any pressure from your Excellency office is the pressure of the European Union on the freedom of thought and expression of the citizens of the country. If you suggest that we rely on this democracy that you are practicing for us citizens of this country, then you are wrong for the job because you have no mandate to make suggestions of this type. You are nothing more than the honorable ambassador of the EU, and keep the diplomatic rules that apply to the non-diligence and disregard of the domestic affairs of an applicant country in your union.

From non-governmental and civic association UNION CONGRESS Bitola



The story keeps in mind many deviations made by Albanians from Europe as they would like to call themselves.
But they forget civilization from Illyria, from the first of the Albanians.
They, wanting the Albanians to form their own state, even though they knew them as a nation from before, destroyed the territories where the Albanians lived and took them to many neighboring states, took over the territory, and shared them with the beloved Saint Stephen, Berlin , Versailles and London, allowed exodus to millions of Albanians from their lands to Asia and the West, and are now trying to do the same.
At that time, France and the English Kingdom, but also Austohungari, now say that the same protagonists, with their dark plans, narrow the Albanian territories and make pressure on the unbelievable Albanian politicians to give their demands, for account and for small, but to remain in power as long as possible.
The inclusion of westerns in changing the borders towards Kosovo with Serbia and Montenegro and on the occasion of an artificial state like the remains of a Socialist Yugoslavia, the state as they call it, FYROM, reminds us of the entire past period of history national tones, and their selfish malignity of the so-called Lords, who have colonialist and conspiratorial vices when asked about the Albanian issue.
Even Germany, which with our hands in the heart has helped us even during the establishment of the Albanian state with Prince Vid, whom he was comfortable to run this light Lord, only the United States are a serious partner of the Albanians, and the decision to allow the establishment of Bazavae Air Military in Albania is a decision that most of the Albanians welcome.
Europe should demonstrate its dignity to the Continent and resolve the distorted Albanian issue and not lick the interests of peoples. Albanians are not those who are not educated, they know diplomacy and do not allow anybody to cough in their courtyard. They have their own Lorder, and if Europe wants to defeat Albanians with its flirty games, they will overpower themselves.
Albanians need you to be friends from Europe, not referendums given by your Lords. We are not a people of criminality as you present to us. But you have come out of the hurdle every time we have wanted to have it that belongs to us. And we will take it without questioning the Lord's.

Demiri, Fergim, Jurnalist, Natural Albania.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Sunday, August 12, 2018


Slavic Macedonians, after separating the Yugoslav state from that, have long experimented on how to make a modern and European state, but without Albanians and other peoples living in that country.
Initially from the International Community and from the Albanian Political Party, it is well known that Macedonia as a state can only exist as a state of citizens, and on social grounds and the regulation of that state to be democratic-social.
However, the elites brought by Belgrade with Kiro Gligorov and other people who came to this country, close to Slobodan Milosevic then, and with several circles from Bulgaria, Macedonians brought in Anbis with ideas of Macedonia for occupation of the territories supposedly they have taken them without a drift, with context to turn Thessaloniki into Macedonian territory.

 Slavic politicians in Macedonia with this nationalist gesture, spread nationalism and within the boundaries of this non-existent state, which the international community dreamed of how to coexist with its existence, and made division from the ethnic base, with a pretext of ethnic Albanian living in the territory of Macedonia .They sometimes gave the chance to improve this place, demanding radical changes to the Pansllava policies, but this was not the case today, and even today it is happening, even though a barrier has been overcome by the name of the state that the neighboring state of Greece viewed rightly as a stumbling block, since the Constitution of the country is still bigger in the direction of nationalist chauvinism that the constitution must be completely amended and a new constitution must be made.After the Prespa report, Pansllav nationalism has grown bigger in this country, and discrimination against other minorities in this country.
Roma, as a category of people living in this country, have been left out of the way, nor are they counting the living Slavs of Macedonia, but Albanians where they are few, for example in my city where I live in Bitola, where they are not even 2% , in recent times it is not allowed even in the cafes and premises where the owners of Macedonian Slavs are to be introduced. if I think that there are Albanians, yet without expelling the drink they exclude from their premises. I certify that I happened to be a Journalist several times, the last one was over.
nationalism and chauvinism in such a small country that with the great power of the powers remained the blade of their own interests, remained the worst country in Europe where discrimination at all levels is higher than in Asia, Arabia Saudi Arabia and Africa.

 The games that are being made by this Government of the Slavonic Macedonia are also dirty and manipulate the public with political trigonometry and try to deceive the international factor that the obstacles are from outside and not from within.
The referendum will not succeed because the Slavs themselves do not want entry into NATO or the EU. Everything else is masquerade and manipulation to the general public, because even Prime Minister Zoran Zaev is a political manipulator, along with several leaders of the Albanian Political Parties who are looking for power, and not for solving the problem for 27 years now makes the place.
The failure to resolve the situation has forced 720,000 mostly young people to migrate from Macedonia, while the authorities through the Ministry of Interior and Justice falsify citizens' identity documents and all of us have made it to Macedonian ethnicity or nationality.
There are also those who are prosecuted and prosecuted for political affairs, some are in prison, and some are forced to seek political asylum in European countries.

 He wrote: Demiri Fergim, a journalist

Saturday, August 11, 2018


Одамна пишувам дека во Македониа нема соживот и ниту ке има веке. Па нема поради тоа што Македонските Словени не не сакаат како спожители и не не сметаат како еднакви и рвноправни во ова држава нас Албанците а и другите, поготово во Битола.
Ви се обракам вам Зоран Заев, за мене не сте Премиер зашто не сум гласал за вас а ниту ке гласам некогаш, како можи толку ласкање да имате по медиумите дека заедно ке сме правеле ЧУДА во ова држава кога Албанците ио другите ги држите во споредна положба. Па во самиот Устав се така категоризирани, не лажам нешто јас. А и на терен веке се нема желба, самите Македонци велат, подобро сами да сме и не ни треба ни соживот ни ништо со Шиптарите, ни со Гупците, Турците ниту пак со Власите.
Зоран Заев, дали знаете ѓто се случува во Битола? Па од Локали, Меани и Кафеани но и Ресторанти ги бркаат Албанците, мене ми се случил веке неколку пати, а последен пат вечерва Зоране, со кој образ ги повикуваш Шиптарите да те подржат за Референдумот си свесен или не си?! Ресторанот ГРНЕ кај Магнолија, Ресторан КАПРИ, ЕЛ ГРЕКО, и кој не не не избркале, секаде каде сопственици се Славомакедонци, и вие сакате заедничка Македониа. Абе каква заедничка, сте ги прашале Битолчаниве што мислење имаат за Шиптарите. ГАСНИ КОМОРИ бараат бе човече дали си ти нормален или не?!
Па дури и Инспекциските Служби не реагираат при пријави од Шиптарите, ги штитат Газдите Макидонци од казнување, а ни Организацијата на Потрошувачи.
Зоран Заев, кај се видело бре да платиш пиачка, и газдата да му нареди на кенлерот да те истераат од Ресторантот, а не ти дава Фискален талон дека си платил, свесен ли си Зоран Заев?!
Ете зашто ние како здружение ке повикаме на Бојкот на Референдумот. Ги плачкате Албанските имоти, им ја зедовте водата во Меџитлија ПЕЛИСТЕРКА а нив ги избркавте Австралија. Уште ли треба да се кутат овие работи.
Зоране, имаме предлог за името. Подобро е да се вика ова пустелија НАЦИОНАЛИСТИЧКА РЕПУБЛИКА ГОРНА МАКЕДОНИА.

Афторот е Новинар по професија.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


The state of Macedonia secretly tacitly falsified other nationalities' identities in identification documents, in the case of a citizen or the state of people possessing biometric identification documents.
In the Macedonian and Albanian languages, it correctly states the language in both languages spoken here but in the English language, they have falsified the country with national pertinence, and violated international laws and norms, wanting with this forgery to show the number of the ethnic Macedonians before the World.
This forgery not only breaks the interethnic relations but also casts a black shadow on the efforts of the nmcometric factor to establish peace and stability in this state that is not yet a state.
How will people want to come up to support a referendum when these internal issues are still cleansed, nor does the Constitution of the country that bring these issues has been affected at all ?!

Jurnalist: Demiri Fergim,  IJRMacedonia

Sunday, August 5, 2018


Marin Mema u shpall nga shoqata jone nga Manastiri KONGRESI I BASHKIMIT per NDER TE KOMBIT dhe do ti dorzohet mirenjohje se shpejti per kontributin e dhene atdhetaresk ne lidhje me historine Shqiptare te Manastirit.


Friday, August 3, 2018


Idag, på Stockholms gator, skedde ett drama, vilket slutade med ett offer.
Svenska polisen sköt ett vapen på ett Dawn-syndrom som hade autismproblem. Pojken har gått med en Pistolete-Loder och presenteras för polisen som ett riskfall. Kanske har poliserna bett att kasta pistolen, han gjorde inte gesten, och poliserna sköt i motsatsriktningen och dödade de sjuka av många psykosomatiska sjukdomar.
Uttalandet i Sverige är oroad över polisets ineffektivitet, och ärendet kommenteras i media som ett misstag och som ett släpp i polissystemet i de senaste tiderna.
Annars informerades polisen för några timmar sedan av pojkens mamma att hon var vilse och att hon sprang hemifrån.
De svenska medierna undrar vad som händer med medborgarnas säkerhet i landet.

Demiri Fergim, Jurnalisten

Wednesday, August 1, 2018



Jinnas Colling is the leader of the Migrationsverket Board for the north of Sweden, and together with Mikael Koskenniemi, they are in the group of people's hatred coming from the Balkans to seek political asylum in Sweden. They are in the group of Nazis and Fascists within the Institutions in Sweden and both of them are very demigods who for the third time I went to 2016 to seek political shelter, and they destroyed me and forced me back without no response from Migrationsverket.If I appeal to you, Jonas Colling, who with your arousal told you that you are uncivilized and backward, and that he is terrorizing me through my E-pen every time I address Migration for help.your friend Mikael Koskenniem was caught by a dangerous cancer and how is he known when he will die because he is punished by the damnation of the air and the suffering that is going on and this day. Be careful that God has a punishment for you Jonas, and you will strike with points in your heart or brain and you will be disabled for the rest of your life.With Facebook blocks, because I want to be friends, and understand the reality for me, but you will not go out of God's justice by guaranteeing Jonah. He has a long hand and is going to be where to hide.

                                                                   Jonnas Colling

                                                                Mikael Koskenniemi

See my friend Mikael Koskenniemi as I fluttered from cancer, and he knows how much he suffers. You will find out the evil Jonnas, only depends on when the Lord has appointed you a punishment.You changed Facebook Profile to think that I'm backward. Here's what you fool you put in there, let's see it all.Nothing in this world smbets without returning Jonnas. Time will cure you.Both of them work at the Migration Agency Board in Sweden. These people destroyed my life by forcing me to return to Macedonia with many dangers, even though they knew they did not have the right under the Dublin document.The Swedish government still tolerates, even though it knows all the circumstances.

Fergim Demiri-Nobel