Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Director General for the Migrationsverket

Ernesto: Mikael Ribbenvik

From Fergim Demiri, asylum seekers from Macedonia, the file number and card LMA: 12-12 9937, residing in Camp City Boden.
Dear Mikael.
You decided to write to you, because your administrators in the Bureau of Immigration in Boden have fallen asleep, and that those who initially expected me to do something bad.
General Sir Director Migrationsverket, I am neither a criminal nor a terrorist, to expect these wonders without a tasty things from me. I'm not origin from Africa or Asia, but I'm from the heart of Europe, from the Balkans.
I have intelligence far greater than what they thought, and would rather destroy the self, as is the case, how do they expect it.
I was brought up well even during these 4 months as I am here for the third time, and other times I've been exemplary with no violations of the laws of Sweden, were probably vi three times here to refuge, and not find refuge, but before imprison and Burk keep me in the open character.
Dear Director, if not satisfied with a wagon eye administrators with evidence and documents that I bring, it is clear tepeër they do not want me resolve my status, and I have no answer yet as positive or negative. Bey is 20 months in total housing in Sweden, I do not have at anything yet.
Furthermore, neither a work permit not give me, although I've been able to Selection issue of residence in Sweden, without being burden on the system, even though I had that in 2013 the work permit, do not have the will to help me they yours, though I submitted all identification documents, and my identity is more than clear more. Even while waiting, I stood there like a parasite, but immediately I went to work honored Practice. I am afraid of not working for me.

Even with my treatment, I probably submitted documents that have problems with heart disease, and many other diseases that have psychological about them, and that the Swedish doctors have found there also become obstacles. They help their kolegeges from Macedonia, which is employed in the Constance Migration and Asylum seekers not, so it is very clear why I look forward so much, maybe every procedure is finished for me.
Yeah, I doubt those people and publications do, because the case itself proved, during my trip to Boden attended most of them.
I doubt that anyone cooperating with the Macedonian Government, that the Kriminalizeyd and Korruptions, and your migration, and police have notified and Sweden.
Mr. Director, I die a little day to day, and no one believes me. Therefore, I will die with the family in my country tima destroyed, and you ask me my passport back as soon as possible please. I do not want you paying an extra way to me, as likely as my family. The tickets will reserved self, but my passport back to me because you do not choose the status me, though I cardinal facts for such a thing. Neither  ECER,  neither AMNESTY, neither Dublin, most do not care about people's lives in danger.
I return with all the risks, because as you want, because as Rob keep me here not as protected. As language gave me no chance to learn, although I capacity. Four months I suffer and die every day here, and anyone as interested at all.
I'll be back, but if you happen to condemn me to jail, a judge me, or to liquidate the guilty will you as the Bureau of Migration and the European community that says which allegedly "democratic".
This application and can be thrown from your employees in Boden, but I will therefore publish across all Internet networks, and Media, to know all that you are hiding things.
With respect. exacting
__________                                                                                               Fergim Demiri


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