Friday, February 17, 2017

Sweden is heading towards an Islamic state


Demiri Fergim - Journalists and Policy Analytical Europeans.

Having regardless what is happening in Europe and Asia and Africa, and with the influx of uncontrolled influx from the East is to the northwest, the majority of Europeans-states that count themselves as developed, but are in very great danger.
One of these countries is and Sweden, and all of Scandinavia in general, with the number of asylum seekers in Sweden, and residence permits for those from the East, has reached the figure of hundreds of thousands of people, who come not own housing by political violence, but with all their families and tribes.
Sweden today has problems, and you can not control some cities like Stockholm, Malmo and Gothenburg. Soon, other cities will also be birth control them, because they come with their families, and do many children, and taking due account of bigamy and polygamy, assume you, as children can produkoi a male from them.
With these streams of people who are entering the door of Europe's largest, Sweden come detachment entire criminal groups from the Middle East, and Islamist groups, or political Islam, machinery murder, liquidation and extermination, which find place in areas of Sweden, without checking who, not knowing who he comes, because none of them have valid identification documents.
One day, Sweden and Scandinavia, but also all over Europe, will pass a catastrophe of unprecedented, where these people with their savagery, would put their principles, and will hand inponojnë Shariah as a model and system of life, will destroy the culture European art, which was built more than 300 years, and undone all of that has been the Old Continent.
We, Albanians, do not do as Europe as Scandinavia, and Sweden have conviction that hates us. Everything bad that is happening Swedes complain of Albanians, and Albanians have not killed any politician in Sweden, Anna Linn killed others do not have plundered the national Bank of Sweden, Helicopter others looted it, and the spear case, and again Albanians have targeted bad.

I dedicate this analysis, because here are vi three times and I sought refuge, and why plotsoi weather conditions, even as a political refugee, as journalists, that the international conventions is mandatory housing, but also as a man of the heart of Europe for the Balkans lies in Europe, not in the Sahara.
Allergies that have these Swedish Migration towards us Albanians, and denial of assistance to me and many Albanians others who have mar neck bureaucrats Migration Sweden, because there are cases that are killing people, when they are back in place his is a confession that even in Sweden is creating a commenced racism or fascism special, which turns out to have specifics Inperializm global, that today government of Social Democrats of Lofven, it finds itself as the Socialist System, or we that imperialism has taken a path that even they themselves do not know where it leads.
My work is not a problem if Sweden after three-time residence permit does not give me this time as journalists threatened and persecuted by my country, no way out. We, Albanians also have friends in the Near East, there is the State of Israel, I will address Embassy in Stockholm, and will apply to them for shelter. But let them know Swedes and Europeans, that a day will remain in close contact with these that brought hundreds of thousands into the backyard, the army of my people will save the Christian world, because we are the European however. To be convinced that this will also happen soon. This is seen from Jupiter, the cosmos, not logical not here on Earth to such a phenomenon.



Fërgim Demiri – Gazetarë dhe Analitik i Politikave Evropjane.

Duke e marë parasysh ate që po ndodh në Evropë dhe Azi e Afrikë, dhe me fluksin e pakontrolluar që po dyndet nga Lindja për ne Veriperendim, shumica e shteve Evropjane që veten e llogarisin si të zhvilluara, veç janë në rrezik shum të madh.
Një ndër këto shtete ështe dhe Suedia, dhe e gjith Skandinavija në përgjithsi, me që numri i Azil kërkuesve në suedi, dhe i lejeve të qëndrimiot për ata nga Lindja, ka aritur shifrën me qindra mijëra njerëz, të cilit vinë jo vetë për strehim nga dhuna politike, por me gjith familjet dhe fiset e tyre.
Suedia, që sot ka probleme, dhe nuk mund ti kontrolli disa qytete si Stokholmin, Malme, dhe Geteborgun. Së shpejti, edhe qytetet tjera do ti kontrollojnë ata të lindjes, sepse ata vinë me familjet e tyre, dhe bejnë shum fëmija, dhe duke e marë parasyshe Bigaminë dhe Poligaminë, mereni me mend, sa femijë mund të produkoi një mashkull nga ata.
Me këto lumenj njerzish që po futen nga dera e madhe e Evropës, Suedisë i vinë aradha të tëra të grupeve kriminale nga lindja e mesme, dhe të grupeve Islamiste, apo të Islamit Politik, makineritë për vrasje, likuidime dhe shfarosje, të cilit gjejnë vend në mjediset e Suedisë, pa i kontrolluar kush, pa ditur kush kush vjen, sepse askush nga ata nuk ka dokumenta valid të identifikimit.
Një dit, Suedisë dhe Skandinavisë, por dhe gjith Evropës, do ti ndodhi një katastrofë e paparë, ku këta njerëz me egërsinë e tyre, do të vendosin parimet e tyre, dhe do tua inponojnë Sheriatin si model dhe sistem të jetesës, do shkatrrojnë kulturën Evropjane, që u ka ndërtuar më se 300 vjet, dhe do zhbehet e gjith ajo që ka patur Kontinenti i Vjetër.
Neve, Shqiptarve, nuk na do as Evropa as Skandinavia, dhe kam bindje se edhe Suedija na urren. Çdo gjë e keqe që po u ndodh Suedezve, ankohen nga Shqiptarët, kurse Shqiptarët nuk kan vrarë asnjë Politikan të Suedisë, Ana Linn e vranë të tjerë, nuk kan plaçkitur Bankën kombëtare të Suedisë, me Helikopter të tjerë e plackitën ate, dhe e heshtën rastin, dhe përsëri Shqiptarët i kan në shënjestër të së keqes.
Unë i rrekem kësaj analize, sepse këtu po vi tri herë dhe po kërkoi strehim, dhe pse i plotsoi moti kushtet, edhe si i përndjekur politik, edhe si Gazetarë, që me konventat ndërkomëtare është obligativ strehimi, por edhe si njeri nga zemra e Evropës, sepse Ballkani gjindet në Evrop, e jo në Sahara.
Alergjija që kan këta të Migracionit të Suedisë ndaj neve Shqiptarve, dhe mohimi i ndihmës ndaj meje dhe shum Shqiptarve të tjerë që i kan mar në qafë birokratët e Migracionit të Suedisë, seps e ka raste që janë vrarë njerzit, kur janë kthyer në vendin e vet, është një rrefim se edhe ne Suedi po krijohet një lloi rracizmi a fashizmi të posaçëm, i cili del se ka specifikat e Inperializmit global, e që sot Qeverija e Socialdemokratve të Lofvenit, nuk e gjen veten as në Sistemin Socialist, e as ne ate Imperialist, ka marr një rrugë që as ata vetë nuk e dinë se ku i çon.
Nuk është problem puna ime, nëse Suedia pas tri herësh nuk më jep leje qëndrim kësaj rradhe si Gazetarë i rrezikuar dhe i përndjekur nga vendi im, ka rrugdalje. Ne, Shqiptarët kemi miq edhe ne Lindjen e Aferme, atje është shteti i Izraelit, do ti drejtohem Ambasadës në Stokholm, dhe do aplikoj tek ata për vendstrehim. Por le ta dinë Suedezët dhe Evropjanët, se një ditë kur do të mbeten në të ngushtë me keta që i sollën me qinra mijëra në oborrin e tyre, se ushtrija e popullit tim, do ta shpëtojë botën Krishtere, sepse neve megjithate jemi Evropjan. Të jenë të bindur se kjo do tu ndodhi së shpejti. Kjo, shikohet nga Jupiteri, nga Kosmosi, e jo me të mos e logjikosh këtu në Tokë një fenomen të atillë.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Director General for the Migrationsverket

Ernesto: Mikael Ribbenvik

From Fergim Demiri, asylum seekers from Macedonia, the file number and card LMA: 12-12 9937, residing in Camp City Boden.
Dear Mikael.
You decided to write to you, because your administrators in the Bureau of Immigration in Boden have fallen asleep, and that those who initially expected me to do something bad.
General Sir Director Migrationsverket, I am neither a criminal nor a terrorist, to expect these wonders without a tasty things from me. I'm not origin from Africa or Asia, but I'm from the heart of Europe, from the Balkans.
I have intelligence far greater than what they thought, and would rather destroy the self, as is the case, how do they expect it.
I was brought up well even during these 4 months as I am here for the third time, and other times I've been exemplary with no violations of the laws of Sweden, were probably vi three times here to refuge, and not find refuge, but before imprison and Burk keep me in the open character.
Dear Director, if not satisfied with a wagon eye administrators with evidence and documents that I bring, it is clear tepeër they do not want me resolve my status, and I have no answer yet as positive or negative. Bey is 20 months in total housing in Sweden, I do not have at anything yet.
Furthermore, neither a work permit not give me, although I've been able to Selection issue of residence in Sweden, without being burden on the system, even though I had that in 2013 the work permit, do not have the will to help me they yours, though I submitted all identification documents, and my identity is more than clear more. Even while waiting, I stood there like a parasite, but immediately I went to work honored Practice. I am afraid of not working for me.

Even with my treatment, I probably submitted documents that have problems with heart disease, and many other diseases that have psychological about them, and that the Swedish doctors have found there also become obstacles. They help their kolegeges from Macedonia, which is employed in the Constance Migration and Asylum seekers not, so it is very clear why I look forward so much, maybe every procedure is finished for me.
Yeah, I doubt those people and publications do, because the case itself proved, during my trip to Boden attended most of them.
I doubt that anyone cooperating with the Macedonian Government, that the Kriminalizeyd and Korruptions, and your migration, and police have notified and Sweden.
Mr. Director, I die a little day to day, and no one believes me. Therefore, I will die with the family in my country tima destroyed, and you ask me my passport back as soon as possible please. I do not want you paying an extra way to me, as likely as my family. The tickets will reserved self, but my passport back to me because you do not choose the status me, though I cardinal facts for such a thing. Neither  ECER,  neither AMNESTY, neither Dublin, most do not care about people's lives in danger.
I return with all the risks, because as you want, because as Rob keep me here not as protected. As language gave me no chance to learn, although I capacity. Four months I suffer and die every day here, and anyone as interested at all.
I'll be back, but if you happen to condemn me to jail, a judge me, or to liquidate the guilty will you as the Bureau of Migration and the European community that says which allegedly "democratic".
This application and can be thrown from your employees in Boden, but I will therefore publish across all Internet networks, and Media, to know all that you are hiding things.
With respect. exacting
__________                                                                                               Fergim Demiri
