Monday, December 12, 2022
Emill Mulle Gustafsson, den svenska journalisten som var min ovillkorliga vän.
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Dear God, our Lord Jesus, bless the United States of America, its justice and the mercy of that political establishment that wants to help the misery in the Balkan countries and undo Crime and Corruption, because you Jesus have blessed that country, and You gave him the power of the spirit and wisdom for all the readings in other countries where Justice had died.
O Jesus, bless President Biden, the Department, the Congress, the Senate of that country, the people of Global Justice with my breath and give them the power to justly fight the injustices in the troubled Balkans.
In your name, O Jesus, I am praying, bless the team that will come to investigate all the crimes that have been committed in this country, protect with your spirit and let it be done according to your will, dear Lord Jesus, Amen.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Those who come to Tirana to hold a summit for the Balkans are the biggest cynics, just like those 100 or so years ago.
When the Albanians go there to their countries to take shelter, and to find the freedom that they don't have in their countries, these idiots who come to Tirana, or their institutions limit their movements, contacts, employment, keep them in open prisons, and now they are telling us how interested they are that the Balkans, or Illyria that they don't want to mention, wanted to be part of the cunning and cynical Europe, which is itself to blame for the divisions it has made in the Illyrian Peninsula.
I know this as a primer, because I was with them in Scandinavia, and I know how I managed, so I don't trust these technocrats at all, but as an Intellectual, Politician and Journalist.
When I was in the north of Sweden in the city of Boden in 2016, we sympathized with one of the assistants, a blonde with blue eyes, who wanted to be my assistant, but the Fascistoids of the Migration Agency in the North of Sweden prevented her from having any contact with her. me, they concentrated against free expression, and the love that is guaranteed by all conventions as vital freedom.
That I saw the beautiful blonde with glasses, with a magical smile, because after the closing of the camp that resembled the Alca Trans Prison, we were sent to the Baltic to a city called Sundsvall.
I tried through the letters to stimulate her to look for me, who knows, maybe those of the SS Division who had helped Hitler had fired her, or they didn't give her the letters at all.
What I understand is this coming, Satanist and regrettable diplomacy, while on the other hand, the Albanians of Kosovo forcibly force them to give the municipalities and the territory to the Borell and Lajcak Serbs, and then they behave like some medieval idiots.
It was good that the reception was at the level, the Albanians showed that they know more than the Europeans how to organize world meetings and summits, but the expectations are gloomy with full of conditions and defects.
I personally do not expect anything from Europe regarding the Albanians. Save the United States of America, let them lead the way, because Europe will destroy us completely.
Journalist and Analyst: Fergim Demiri
Thursday, December 1, 2022
До З Н М
1. Законот за Новинари и Медиумски работници
да не се дозволи да помине на седница на Парламент, бес да се има Јавна
Расправа за него, каде што главниот збор ке го имаат спомнуваните.
2. Околу заштитата на Новинарите теренци и
репортерите, Парламентот треба да донесе заклучоци која Институција ке ги даде
Овластувањата за Новинарите и Медиумските работници дека се Службени Лица (АЕК,
Посебна Агенција ке формира Владата, или министерството за Информаци, но и
Владата). На легитимациите да стои називот ОВЛАСТЕНО ЛИЦЕ за да се избегнат
недоразбирањата со Граганите. Овластувањето да се носи со себе при работа на
3. Со законот за Новинари да се решат
заостанати прашања околу неплакањето на придонеси за Новинарите кои остануваат
бес работа бидејки Медиумите отишле под стечај, да им се обезбеди со закон
определениот рок за пензионирање во Северна Република Македониа, барем пензија
колку еден минималец.
4. Да се формира тело за контрола на Медиумите
кои одбиваат да плакаат придонеси на Новинарите, и со законот да се казнуваат
кои ке одбиваат соработка со З Н М.
5. Би било добро да се размислува од Здружение
на грагани, да прерасне во Организација на Новинари на Северна Република Македониа,
каде што правата и должностите ке бидат по унапредени и по генерализирани, како
што тоа го има во земјите на Европската Униа.
Предлагач: Новинар на ЗНМ од Битола
Фергим Демири