Sunday, June 19, 2022
Why is Europe afraid of a pro-American Balkans with 4 Albanian prime ministers?
Why does Europe accept millions of Arabs every year from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc.… but does not liberalize visas for a small Kosovo with so few inhabitants?
The reason is simple: The former do not like America, while the latter have Washington as "Mecca".
10 years ago, with 50,000 signatures, I asked the Berisha and Thaçi governments to hold a referendum on the unification of Albania with Kosovo.
One of the theses on which the referendum request was based was that: The EU will never accept two states and two Albanian votes of the two most pro-American states in the Balkans and Europe.
This thesis aroused disbelief and skepticism, but 10 years later the public is convinced of how far the membership of the two Albanian states is.
In essence, the EU is hiding its true intention not to include Albania and Kosovo.
Europe is using Bulgaria as a pretext, but in fact the EU itself is behind the "Bulgarian" trick
The EU held us hostage for 20 years with the alleged fulfillment of the standards and when they were met, they immediately set up a checkpoint on the "Albania-Europe highway.
The EU is already coming out openly against Albanians.
But what are the real reasons that the EU will never open its doors to Albanians:
- Are we a criminalized society?
- Are we a corrupt state?
- Are we a Muslim majority people?
- Are we a pro-American nation?
- Are we different from Europeans?
- Are we uncivilized and backward?
- or Are we a little of all?
I do not believe in albano-phobia, because I do not think that the French or Danes feel inferior to us in culture or art.
I do not believe that the Belgians or the Germans do not accept us because we are Muslims as they have naturalized millions of Turks, Syrians or Iraqis.
I do not believe that the Spaniards or the Dutch do not want us to plant hashish, because they are traders and users 100 times more than Albania or Kosovo.
I do not think that Bulgarians do not vote for us because we have a corrupt government, because the Bulgarian government has a level of bribery with ours.
For these reasons, I am convinced every day that the US and the EU have two parallel plans, which do not meet anywhere in the Balkans.
Europe does not want 4-5 countries that are American satellites.
The EU fears the future of enlargement with nations that do not trust Europe but America, and their vote tomorrow in the EU could be managed by Washington.
America and Europe are clashing silently in Tirana, Pristina, Podegorica, Skopje, Belgrade, Istanbul.
The Berlin Agreement and the Open Balkans are clearly two different "European" and "American" agendas.
The EU-US clash was clearly seen when the 100% EU-funded European Court arrested all of Kosovo's pro-US leaders and barred Thaci, Krasniqi and Veselin 24 hours before traveling to the White House to sign US agreements with Serbia.
Brussels is playing every stone so that the Balkans are not under the influence of America, but under the influence of Paris and Berlin, but on the other hand are leaving us outside the European Union.
They hate Albanian pro-Americanism so much that they do not grant visas to a people of 1 million inhabitants like Kosovo and have opened their doors to 1 billion Arabs or Africans.
Europe hates us neither for religion, nor for mentality, nor for mediocrity, nor for crime, but for our pro-Americanism.
Remember never, those who tore us to pieces, never appreciated us.
Therefore, every ordinary Albanian or senior leader should be aware that the sovereignty of the two states does not exist if we do not maintain an unconditional partnership with the United States.
Forget the EU that you will never be part of it, you can even join Pristina and Skopje sooner than Brussels, because in the end America has this in its hands in a Balkans with 4 Albanian prime ministers.
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