Saturday, October 30, 2021



All countries applying from former Communist countries from the Western Balkans, the Special European Commission for Political Affairs at the European Union should oblige countries applying from this Peninsula to open as soon as possible the warehouses and archives with files of people persecuted during the Communist regimes, which that only a few have done and partially fulfilled this obligation, and be a condition for starting negotiations with the European Union to become equal members with the EU.

In the hidden archives and depots where these files of hundreds of thousands of people are kept, of Communist crimes, murders for ideological reasons without trial, imprisonment, ill-treatment, internment, there is still the same methodology of systematizing the retention of power and not clarifying those cases during The period of Communism as a system of Dictatorship reflects the crime even today in the corners of the Western Balkans and the oppression they commit against the citizens who demand democracy and freedom.

Let us not forget that Germany also opened the repositories of political files, where then hundreds of thousands were fired, some were imprisoned for genocide, etc.

Without opening the files and forming a commission from the European Council to review and inspect this process, none of these countries will be able to be part of the European Union. Europe does not need the remnants of the dictatorial Communism that is still alive in the Balkans today.

Nobel Monastery

Wednesday, October 13, 2021



If the great powers, specifically Europe as the Union, intend to provoke another dizzying war in the Balkans, then it will burn itself, let the Europeans know that it is ready to pour into them an unprecedented conflict that they I will mostly hurt them.

When it comes to sending mediators ostensibly to bring peace to the troubled Balkan states, they ostensibly choose people who are easily corrupt, such as Borel and Lajcak, who lean more towards the East, specifically in the talks. , support Serbia.

This time it will not be as they think that Serbia will be able to occupy Albanian countries so quickly, let the late Boras and Lajcak know, because Albanians will not fall asleep as they imagine they will be indolent to vital issues.

The European Union is playing some strange games with the Balkan countries, so much so that they do not think at all4 that even evil can spill over into their territories. In the war, there has never been a winner, let Lajcak know, so they are alarmed to be careful in their actions that must be prudent, because even in Albanians we know geo-military, intelligent and tactical strategies.

Europe, its union must therefore be very careful with the steps they take, do not let them collapse from within, that the situation of globalization is an unpredictable system and from moment to moment change positions and strengths.

Lajcak will be accepted as a mediator until the moment when it is not investigated that he is one-sided, but then he has nothing to ask with the issue of Albanians, which with the fault of the same Europe remained hostage and unresolved./


Saturday, October 9, 2021




                                                                     Rinim Demiri

                                                      01 January 1988-01 Octobre 2021

You at Migrationsverket are probably happy now and say: "Well done to this Dog who was bothering us, when he found out that one of my boys died of Cancer at the age of 33. The youngest died the youngest, still not alive the joy of life, because they kept him in hospitals for 9 months and at the end with the rays that treated him for 6 weeks in a row at the Oncology Clinic in Skopje, they burned him completely, and the healthy lung cells damaged him, so that on October 1 he died .

Do you in the Migrationsverks, as well as those of the Commissariat for Refugees, have a conscience, what kind of people are you? Fascist.

If I had received the positive that was due to me, I would have taken it to Sweden where medicine is more developed, and perhaps there would have been hope for it to improve and for cancer to go away.

Your conscience, and that of all those in the Migration Board, will never be clear, you will have burdens and worries as long as you are alive. You helped to disappear a new life, no matter what, an indirect and deliberate murder of an institution of a state that calls itself free and democratic.