Tuesday, January 26, 2021


 I am not clear and I do not understand how the fact that the Belgian Migration Agency deported a plane with Migrant Refugees whose refugees came from the Latin American region such as Peru, Honduras, El Salvador, etc., just from the countries where there is neither justice nor freedom, but there are murders, tortures, rapes in power are the Mafia Castas of Cocaine and other types of organized crime in which the rulers of those criminal countries also participate.
A plane with refugees was expelled only from the Camp located in MOUSCRON, can you take it with me, but from other centers how much?
If it is to be judged who has the right to obtain a residence permit, they are more at risk than all the other black ass cultivated by Fedasil, because I am a witness, because I myself suffered the same from the authorities of the Belgian Migration Agency .

I appeal to the UNHCR and the United Nations Assembly to inspect the drink of the countries of the European Union in respect of the observance of the International Documents, Conventions and laws that are breaking the countries of the European Union, which receive money from the United Nations for those people who come to seek freedom, not the new slave and slave, urgently until it is done later then.

Monday, January 18, 2021



                Fergim Demiraj-Nobel

Sot lexova se edhe VV-ja do te kete bazen e saje per ekonomizim dhe perforcim finansiare.

Nese edhe kesaj rradhe Shqiptaret vrapojene vetem pas Kapitalit maramendes, skan me fitu si shoqeri e as si shtet asgje, pervec zenkave kush te vije ne pushtet.

VV ja promajtiste me liderin e saje Albin Kurti duhet ta dije mire se ndryshimi nuk mund te vije sa hora, por ama nese e merr pushtetin nje dit ashtu si i takon, atehere duhet te merret me popullin (qytetarin) e jo me Kapitalin i cili do ti sjell telashe shum te medha.

Une jam Majtis, haptas e them, dhe i mocem, po jo Hajnist e Majtist, dhe kam lexuar nje ton me literature qe di ti dalloj klasat politike. 

Nese ne rradhet e veta merr njerez te pa sigurt te cilit mend i kan se nese do kapen per pushteti do kapen dhe per tenederash dhe Lekesh te Popullit, lloj lloj qyqanash e te pa aftish qe kan ble diplomat disa biles, por ne rradhet e veta te mbledh njerez majtista te vertete qe jane deshmuar si heronj te civilizmit, drejtesise dhe qe kan vuajtur nga sistemet, qe edhe sot po ndiqen dhe gjykohen.

Une ne asnje menyre nuk dua te inponohem, por cfar eshte e rruges, ati i duhet gjak i fresket, dhe njerez trime, se une jam me ne mesmoshe, edhe pse mundem me drejtu nje shtet sa Bashkimi Sovjetik me hapsire.

Majtizmi moderrn nuk ka kapricet e despotizmit te Stalinizmit a Marksizmit e Leninizmit, por eshte nje klase politike qe ne pah ka qytearizmin dhe barazine e lire te veprimtarise edhe ne shkence edhe ne zhvillim ekonomil.

Ne Shqiptaret ka kuadra te atilla shoku Albin Kurti, prandaj mos u kufizoni ne emera te lasht te politikave deshtuse, por ne gjaknxetsi morale dhe efektibile se na jemi te gjith Kosove. Ne rradhet e VV -es ke angazhuar dhe nga Ilirida njerez, por me cka kan kallzuar ata se jane majtista te vertete qe do tju jene neser besnik ne vepra, pune dhe qendrime?!

Ju keni bisetuar me te majten e Maqedonis e atje ka nje Shqiptare qe se besoj se keni te atill ne rradhet e juaja, per fat te keq. Une e njoh Kosoven , sepse kam jetuar 5 vite dhe kam vepruar atje per pergaditjen e demonstratava, ama me shum se 2/3 e Shqiptarve ishin Kodoshat e UDB-es.

Ne kemi mbetur me kauzen nacionale ne rradhe te pare, por edhe me internacionalizmin, se nuk jemi vet ne ket Planet. Ke biseduar bash ne Prishtin me Mariglen Demirin, a spot doket i aft a?

E pra ky eshte hero i kohes si ju qe ishit ne kohen e juaj, edhe ky eshte i kesaj kohe, organizoj Studentat dhe jo Shqiptare qe ju bashkangjiten ne rrezimin e nje klike totalitare -antishqiptare, dhe tashi shoh po ja zan vendin dhe te nje e vetmja parti majtiste nga Maqedonia ne Kosove, dhe ju emetoni ata te klasave tjera dhe i hikni shoku Kurti brealitetit Klasore me te cilen fitohen zgjedhjet dhe kur e din se ke shtyll me nje dituri maksimale se bash ky Mariglen Demiri e ka kry ne mes te Shkupit ne gjuhen Sllave fakultetin e Filozofis se pastert klasike me te tana 10-she dhe ka Magjistruar perseri me noten 10. Dhe ju ket e hidhi, e leni me nje ane atje, e keni mbledh bashibozuk nga Maqedonia ne rradhet e ideologjis majtiste. Bravo be shok, ashtu fitohet lufta politike, coe vec perpara se ki me mbrri sukses me ata tasterat per rreth qe t'jan futur ne rradhet e partis, te prift e mara!!!

Autor: Fergim Demiraj-Nobel, gazetar dhe analist.

Saturday, January 16, 2021


                                                      Goga and Magoga

 The occultism and public affairs of the supporters of the antichrist have already begun to appear in the media and on social networks, which he has long controlled.

The Illuminati has entered his body and now acts according to the methods provided in the Bible, the Qur'an and the TORA, so all of these foretell the coming of Satan, and his appearance on the Surface, and the New Testament as a special part of it. Revelation foretells in detail the process of how the Antichrist will come, its development and form Seals, Bodies, Beasts, Beasts with many Beasts, thirst. We already have such a situation of the introduction of the beast, the ancestor of Satan in the body of the Antichrist, who will control the Media first, and then the social networks. In particular, it reinforces the means of social communication with the growth of high-frequency 3G, 4G, 5G magnetic frequency magnetism, and this will continue, so that it will have control over everything on this Planet and will try to make trouble in the Planets of the Universe. Those who read only superficially about the Illinati, do not listen, but the whole procedure will go through the organization that we only know the name, but we do not know who is behind it. I have often encountered the sign of the three sixes, but also the Star of the five wings, which is a symbol of Satan. They have cult veggies where they gather in utmost secrecy and beg Satan to come and help you. They have all their capital through banks and control it everywhere in the world, through the internet they watch, follow, dance with them or against them, they have modified Facebook so that you can not close and put restrictions, they have put cameras and chips in the bases from where they distribute the Internet, which means they have everything at hand. They have the governments of the states and of these Bananas like ours, and they command through the mediators they have of the Masons, and the World is in the hands of the Antichrist, unwillingly. Let me deny who wants what I am writing, but one day they will see when the seal will be put on their forehead or right hand, and then they will obey. Then most will accept to have little superficial wealth, while those who will not accept the Antichrist will suffer, but that is why Jesus says: then flee to the mountains and rest in nature where there is no pollution. What does our Lord mean by this? Leave in places where there is no interest at all because there will be great persecution of those who will not listen to his orders. He will form his army from those who will receive his seal, and it will be his directed army. And stay there says Jesus until I come back and destroy the Antichrist with all his army. I do not accept the commandments of the Antichrist right now because the Spirit of God has revealed to me that he is already acting. I am Gideon, the warrior of the Lord Jesus Christ, belonging to the kingdom of Heaven.


Shenjat e Iluminatit

NOrgjija e Iluminatve
Pjestar i Iluminatit

Kryesoret e Iluminatit
    Thirrja e Satanit  


Wednesday, January 6, 2021



For a long time, after the outbreak of conflicts in non-European countries, the countries of the European Union through their Ministries for Migration Affairs and Agencies that have formed, defocused and violated all laws and conventions as well as documents signed by all countries of the Union , also Switzerland as a country that is not part of the European Union, giving priority to hundreds of thousands of migrants from the Middle East and Africa to enter without any problems, but that all of them have not been involved or endangered by combat operations.
The wars that took place in the Middle East were not invasive but internal factional conflicts that took place in the interests of plundering capital and underground assets such as Oil, Petroleum, Gold, Diamonds, etc. Therefore, the chaos caused by those of the European Union brought fire and death to Europe, because not only ordinary people came here, but also militants with conquest intentions and one day soon, they will set fire to the tired and old Europe, because thinking that they do dynamic and useful Diplomacy, they put a thorn in their own side.
I have often mentioned in my analyzes that Europe will one day burn and be destroyed, because the mistake was made within the capital robberies and the crisis in the Middle East, and now I do not know how to get out of the mess that he created and drowned its territory with militant scum that had already begun to cut off people's heads between the streets of Paris, Vienna and other centers that would continue in Germany, throughout Scandinavia, where Stefan Lofven brought several hundred thousand terrorist-killers and now I do not know how to deal with them.
Even in the Balkans some of those who remained, although they were provided shelter as much as possible and given bread, Moroccans stabbed two young men in Bosnia and Herzegovina, then the mass beat them and expelled them from the camp, and the population put pressure on the government to expel you to the places they came from.
The states of the European Union, the UHCNR, the United Nations, have exercised every right of the citizen of the European Continent to turn to a European state and seek refuge from political persecution, and with the agreement, especially of Dublin, it is emphasized that they have priority from Europe and do not dare to return people to dangerous countries, but the corrupt Union Administration to the ear, school on these documents, and therefore now threatens the European Union deformation and destruction as a regional system, after the withdrawal of Great Britain from the Union with Bregzitin.
Belgium is making the same mistake, said the Migrant Minister of Migration and her Government, and that we who come from the Balkans are violating our basic rights to seek political asylum, a country that was known for protecting cases of persecution political. Introduce them as Animals with a place with Afro-Asians and Arabs and hang their ears, because they corrupt the officials of Fedazil and UHCNR es as well as those lower levels in the Migration Agencies, and we are left with no solution from Europe and South.
I am writing this opinion, let all readers understand what is happening in the world with the countries of the European Union and with the migration flows.