Distinguished Staff and Director of GOOGLE.
I am writing to you from North Macedonia and ask you to explain to me how can the authorities of the country take the right to freedom of expression and to enter the account usage in the GOOGLE space as in Faceboook, You Tube, Twitter, Instagram , and "X" to others and delete Profile, block them, file charges against people who have their communication mode please.
You know very well, if you are defending the principles of international law, that freedom of expression is guaranteed both in Europe and in the world.
How can a government of a country claiming to be part of a developed Union to deal with the Middle Ages please ?!
I as a Journalist is asking you and asking you to get licenses to countries that do not comply with the international rules on freedom of expression and human rights conventions, and GOOGLE is managed by its center rather than remembered to put pressure and pressure .
North Macedonia is before the resumption of a new dictatorship, please, and you will allow GOOGLE to be part of the verification of a dictatorship that is immoral and absolute ?!
You Tube takes the channels of the people who have recorded it and they even publish erotic, maybe this is publicity. how much video there is with pornography that goes open and how it affects me, why I have set up a sex scene, blocked by the Internet service in North Macedonia, which is controlled by Sectors 5 and 6 of the Secret Police and say there is democracy and the freedom of speech. If you know how many people in Macedonia are going to honor you. Every Political Party, criminal group, has equipment for persecution and chase, so let you, with this has the world walk before to be followed and intimate conversations of love ???
I am telling you that there are political pressures, persecutions and persecution, make political reprimands against unbelievers, and then I will go to Belgium and ask for Political Asylum, because I have many attested testimonials and matrices. The Mafia controls everything in that state, here with no life.
Fergim Demiri, Jurnalist