Friday, September 6, 2024


Nga qytetart nga Manastiri.
E ftojm Ministrin e Punes dhe Politikave Sociale Fatmir Limani,qe urgjentisht tua mer ingerencat atyre te pushteteve Lokalene sveren e mbrojtjes se femijeve parashkollore, pra Cerdheve te femijeve, nga pushteti Lokal i Manastirit. ARSYET Prefekti i Manastirit duke operuar me dy njesi punuese permbrojtjen dhe ruajtjen e femijeveparashkollore, ka bere nje kaos te papare dhe ka krijuar zbrazetire ne kolektivet punuese ku nuk shpall kokusre per punesim te kuadrit punues neper njesite punuese te cerdheve, si ndihmese kuzhinjere, pastruse dhe kuader tjeter teknikqe ka nevoje per mbarvajtjen e punes se ketyre cerdheve qe kultivojne femije te grumoshave te ndryshme.I ngarkon me munges te kuadrit, andaj ingerencat ne ket sfer tia mer Kryetarit te komunes se Manastirit z. Konjanovski i cili demton si te punesuarit ashtu dhe femijet. Mandej,edhe ushqimi qe u ndahet femijeve, nuki plotson standardet,sepsedikush neper Cerdhet e vjedh gjat furnizimit ushqimin e mire,dhe femijeve u sjellushqime qe si perkasin asaj moshe.Ka dhe shum probleme,andaj z.Minister Limani duhet urgjentisht te vini ne Manastir vet personalisht dhe ta pastroni llumin qe ka mbetur nga perberja e kaluar qeveritare. Nese nuk doe merrni parasysh kete kerkese, do ndesheni me te gjitha mediat ju garantojm. Nga qytetaret e brengosur per kaosin ne Cerdhet e Manastirit/AUDITORIUMI
Kjoeshte njesija punuese e Cerdhes Majski Cvet qe mbreteron kaosi dhe hajdutizmi,kurse Ministrise ditka gjoja.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Sunday, September 17, 2023


Most of the Europeans, when I write about the situations in Sweden with rebellious and dangerous migrants in the area of Terror, look at me with ignorance in my positions which are based on facts because I worked in the time of Yugoslavia as a Military Intelligence Officer, and I have experience and knowledge, which I have absorbed during my education and the work I did in the army of that Yugoslav state until 1985. But because the danger exists, especially in Sweden, where the organization of the intelligence and security bodies is very low compared to what it has to face in the future brought to it from the outside world, actually from outside our continent, it will tragic and unbearable life, because the Terrorists from the east have a network like that of Marimange, and they all work for the destruction of the European system, and the establishment of a system of their own. It would be good if Sweden and some other countries of the European Union did not reject us when we came to seek refuge, because we know the detection tactics and Sweden would be our right arm in special cases, to discover those networks of the Crime Mites. and Terror. As a security expert, I find that Sweden in particular will not fare well in the future, based on the scenes I have seen so far with the acts that are being carried out by immigrants from distant continents. Jurnalist,Fergim Demiri

Sunday, September 10, 2023


When you get stoned and where to go, you try to find a place and convince them that you are in danger and that you are looking for shelter, after you have gone to them as a state three times, and they have not approached you at all, nor have interested in your case. Sweden throughout its territory has accepted hundreds of thousands of migrants from foreign countries, from more developed continents than ours in Europe, but when we went to seek refuge in our continent from the Balkan countries, they saw us an evil eye. The witness has thousands of cases including my case, which has no precedent because it is a fraud and a fraud by the Swedish Migration Agency for Migration, because we have abundant documents that talk about these Fascist injustices of a Corrupt Administration, which brought a fire to her country that will burn it in the future. They brought sworn terrorists who will cause great damage, this is a prophecy, and that my words that I wrote to the Swedish Migration as a responsible institution, will turn out to be correct and that you wanted to apologize to me later. After they extended it to me for the third time when I went to Sweden and the one in the North in the city of Boden, they guaranteed me with a fraudulent letter that they will have a general interview to see if they will give me a place or not. But it was only a mockery of my dignity, nothing more, breaking the International Asylum Conventions in Europe, as well as that of Luxembourg and Dublin, which have strict cases such as mine. They never call me for an interview. But after 9 months of staying in a Swedish Army Garrison, we were transferred 800 kilometers away from Boden, in the Baltic, to the city of Sundsval. Why does Sweden want to be a member of NATO when it breaks international Conventions, Agreements and Laws for the protection of Journalists from political data, because I was there as a Journalist, I had no civil danger, but I was followed by a Government incriminated as was the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Here I am presenting the document to convince you that I am not a deceiver like the Swedes,

Thursday, September 7, 2023


In the years before the destruction of the Yugoslav Federation, I had many friends whom I had close relationships with, if you could say like brothers. With the destruction of Federal Yugoslavia, most of them fled to Asylum, and gained their status, especially those who fled to Sweden. They settled there and ended up being only translators, not much more, but they succeeded, because Sweden was a welfare state to the maximum. My closest friend was Enver Rexhepin, who was years younger than me, but he was then a boy and a listener. I helped him learn to play the harmonica, so my mother did not separate him from anything, what he knitted for me T-shirts and things she made for him as well. When I had to leave this country, I chose Sweden, hoping that he would find support there, but I was wrong. He had forgotten that we were once one and shared everything together. While I was there, he never met me, even though we were not far from the settlements. Even some things that my relatives had given him, he didn't bring them to me personally, but by mail. I was convinced that he was naturalized and that he was only looking out for his own interest, and I gave up hope that you would find his support. They didn't reject me from their Migration, but they kept me waiting, and they didn't give me a work permit, so that I could look for work in the cities where I lived. I went to Sweden three times, and Sweden didn't give me any chance, even though I learned the language with courses there, I got certificates, I did internships to adapt to the way of work in Sweden, even from those places where I did internships, I got certificates, but where I applied for work, they didn't give me the chance to work. I fought like Don Quixote with the Windmill, I didn't give up, but in a foreign country, if someone reaches out for help, you have enough to get into that country's system. This Enver Rexhepi, who used to live here where the wild boar is slaughtered, isolates me completely and has never appeared, not even for my son when I change my life. The tree realizes that it has no eyes and cheeks and no conscience, that time trembles and trembles, says Fishta from Gradimi four degrees, the day will come when it will be chosen, and from the strija, the rotten tree will be thrown. God, if you have patience, give you the strength to endure everything, well then the reward will come in His time. Enver Rexhepi can't be anything more than a translator, while I have an excessive Superior education, I saw the Swedes, it didn't suit me, so I needed his help. I have faith in God, my God, Enver Rexhepi, and I am sure that one day, I will return to Sweden, even if I was with a cane. Then you won't have eyes and cheeks to meet me again. False friendship is dead. NOBEL@

Tuesday, September 5, 2023


The health care of the former Yugoslav state of Macedonia before it separated from the rest of Yugoslavia, practiced Mengele's style in medical treatment, and saw patients as subjects for profit, and not based on the Hippocratic Oath. Public health, which is paid for by citizens' salaries and their taxes, has no humane consideration towards the patient as a person who needs treatment, but as an object before the eyes of the public doctor, who corrupts and deceives them. In North Macedonia these last 20 years, Josef Mengele's system is being openly practiced, and instead of preventing the spread of deadly diseases, in many cases where bribes are not given, instead of medication, they give them Physiological Mixture and do not give them the right therapy, so the mortality has reached high numbers in the new generations and in children. The facts that shock the general public are amazing, because the drugs that should be given to patients in this country are sold in the surrounding countries, and someone benefits. Young people die in the corridors of the Oncology Clinic because they do not receive adequate therapy, and the treatment of convulsions, which is practical in all hospitals of the world, is not practiced. The situation has gotten out of control, and journalists are trying to clarify the facts, and to recognize the relevant international and international health institutions, because the situation has gotten out of systemic control in North Macedonia in the field of public health. Journalist, Fergim Demiri